Programa de Pós Graduação em Informática - PPGIa - PUCPR

Artigos completos publicados em periódicos

Número total de itens: 385


1.   BARDDAL, J. P.; ENEMBRECK, F. ; GOMES, HEITOR MURILO ; BIFET, A. ; PFAHRINGER, B.. Merit-guided dynamic feature selection filter for data streams. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. v. 116, p. 227-242, issn: 09574174, 2019.
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2.   BARDDAL, J.; Enembreck, F. ; GOMES, HEITOR MURILO ; BIFET, A. ; PFAHRINGER, B.. Boosting decision stumps for dynamic feature selection on data streams. INFORMATION SYSTEMS. v. 83, p. 13-29, issn: 03064379, 2019.
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3.   CURCIO, KARINA ; SANTANA, RODOLFO ; Reinehr, Sheila ; Malucelli, Andreia. Usability in agile software development: A tertiary study. COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES. v. 64, p. 61-77, issn: 09205489, 2019.
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4.   LACHOWSKI, ROSANA ; PELLENZ, MARCELO ; JAMHOUR, Edgard ; PENNA, MANOEL ; BRANTE, GLAUBER ; MORITZ, GUILHERME ; SOUZA, RICHARD. ICENET: An Information Centric Protocol for Big Data Wireless Sensor Networks. SENSORS. v. 19, p. 930, issn: 14248220, 2019.
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5.   SOUZA, DEIVISON V. ; NIEVOLA, JÚLIO C. ; SANTOS, JOIELAN X. ; WOJCIECHOWSKI, Jaime ; GONÇALVES, ALEXANDRE L. ; CORTE, ANA PAULA D. ; SANQUETTA, CARLOS R.. -Nearest Neighbor Regression in the Estimation of Trunk Volume in the State of Pará, Brazil. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. v. 1, p. 1-14, issn: 10549811, 2019.
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6.   VRIESMAN, DANIEL ; Britto, Alceu S. ; ZIMMER, ALESSANDRO ; KOERICH, ALESSANDRO L. ; PALUDO, RODRIGO. Automatic visual inspection of thermoelectric metal pipes. Signal Image and Video Processing. v. 13, p. 1-9, issn: 18631703, 2019.
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7.   YUAN, LANQIN ; PFAHRINGER, BERNHARD ; BARDDAL, JEAN PAUL. Addressing feature drift in data streams using iterative subset selection. Applied Computing Review. v. 19, p. 20-33, issn: 15596915, 2019.
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1.   ALMEIDA, A. M. G. ; CERRI, R. ; PARAISO, E. C. ; MANTOVANI, R. ; BARBON JR, S.. Applying multi-label techniques in emotion identification of short texts. NEUROCOMPUTING. v. 320, p. 35-46, issn: 09252312, 2018.
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2.   ALMEIDA, P. R. L. ; OLIVEIVA, Luiz Eduardo Soares ; SABOURIN, Robert ; BRITTO JR, A. S.. Adapting Dynamic Classifier Selection for Concept Drift. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. p. 67-85, issn: 09574174, 2018.
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3.   ANDRADE, GIL EDUARDO ; PAULA LIMA JUNIOR, LUIZ AUGUSTO ; CALSAVARA, Alcides ; MICHELON, GISANE APARECIDA ; BRUSSAMOLIN, VALERIO. A Greedy Routing Strategy Based on Euclidean Geometry for Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network. IEEE Latin America Transactions. v. 16, p. 2000-2006, issn: 15480992, 2018.
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4.   BARDDAL, JEAN PAUL ; ENEMBRECK, F. ; GOMES, H. M. ; BIFET, ALBERT ; PFAHRINGER, BERNHARD. Merit-guided Dynamic Feature Selection Filter for Data Streams. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 09574174, 2018.
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5.   CUNHA, EDUARDO DEL BOSCO BRUNETTI ; FAGUNDES, RAFAEL PEREIRA ; SCALABRIN, EDSON EMÍLIO ; HERAI, ROBERTO HIROCHI. Evaluation of Lipid Profile in Adolescents. International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences. v. 4, p. 367-373, issn: 23594802, 2018.
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6.   CURCIO, KARINA ; NAVARRO, TIAGO ; Malucelli, Andreia ; Reinehr, Sheila. Requirements engineering: A systematic mapping study in agile software development. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. v. 139, p. 32-50, issn: 01641212, 2018.
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7.   D. Lima, H. ; LIMA JUNIOR, Luiz Augusto de Paula ; DUARTE JR., E. P. ; CALSAVARA, Alcides ; Eberspacher, Henri F. ; R. C. Nabhen. Beyond scalability: Swarm intelligence affected by magnetic fields in distributed tuple spaces. JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING. v. 1, p. YJPDC 3942-99, issn: 07437315, 2018.
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8.   GARCIA, GIOVANNA ; MONEGO, HERMES I. D. ; PELLENZ, MARCELO E. ; SOUZA, RICHARD D. ; MUNARETTO, ANELISE ; FONSECA, MAURO S. P.. An iterative heuristic approach for channel and power allocation in wireless networks. Annals of Telecommunications. v. 73, p. 293-303, issn: 00034347, 2018.
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9.   HOCHULI, André ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Eduardo Soares ; BRITTO JR, A. S. ; SABOURIN, Robert. Handwritten digit segmentation: Is it still necessary?. PATTERN RECOGNITION. v. 78, p. 1-11, issn: 00313203, 2018.
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10.   MARUYAMA, T.M. ; OLIVEIRA, L.S. ; BRITTO, A.S. ; NISGOSKI, S.. Automatic classification of native wood charcoal. Ecological Informatics. v. 46, p. 1-7, issn: 15749541, 2018.
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11.   MIGUEL, MARCIO ; JAMHOUR, Edgard ; PELLENZ, MARCELO ; PENNA, MANOEL. SDN Architecture for 6LoWPAN Wireless Sensor Networks. SENSORS. v. 18, p. 3738, issn: 14248220, 2018.
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12.   PERON, GUILHERME ; BRANTE, GLAUBER ; SOUZA, Richard Demo ; PELLENZ, MARCELO EDUARDO. Physical and MAC Cross-Layer Analysis of Energy-Efficient Cooperative MIMO Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. v. 66, p. 1940-1954, issn: 00906778, 2018.
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13.   RIBEIRO, RICHARDSON ; CASANOVA, DALCIMAR ; TEIXEIRA, MARCELO ; WIRTH, ANDRÉ ; GOMES, H. M. ; BORGES, ANDRÉ P. ; ENEMBRECK, F.. Generating action plans for poultry management using artificial neural networks. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE. v. 1, p. 1-10, issn: 01681699, 2018.
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14.   VICENTINI, CLEVERTON ; SANTIN, ALTAIR ; VIEGAS, EDUARDO ; ABREU, VILMAR. SDN-based and multitenant-aware resource provisioning mechanism for cloud-based big data streaming. JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. v. 127, p. 1-25, issn: 10848045, 2018.
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15.   VIEGAS, E. K. ; SANTIN, A. O. ; BESSANI, Alysson Neves ; NEVES, N. F.. BigFlow: Real-time and reliable anomaly-based intrusion detection for high-speed networks. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 0167739X, 2018.
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16.   VIEGAS, EDUARDO ; SANTIN, ALTAIR ; OLIVEIRA, LUIZ ; FRANÇA, ANDRÉ ; JASINSKI, RICARDO ; PEDRONI, VOLNEI. A reliable and energy-efficient classifier combination scheme for intrusion detection in embedded systems. COMPUTERS & SECURITY. v. 78, p. 16-32, issn: 01674048, 2018.
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17.   WANDERLEY, G. M. P. ; ABEL, M. ; PARAISO, E. C. ; BARTHES, J.. MBA: A system of systems architecture model for supporting collaborative work. COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY. v. 100, p. 31-42, issn: 01663615, 2018.
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1.   ABREU, VILMAR ; SANTIN, ALTAIR ; XAVIER, ALEX ; LANDO, ALISON ; WITKOVSKI, ADRIANO ; RIBEIRO, RAFAEL ; STIHLER, MAICON ; ZAMBENEDETTI, VOLDI ; CHUEIRI, IVAN. A Smart Meter and Smart House Integrated to an IdM and Key-based Scheme for Providing Integral Security for a Smart Grid ICT. MOBILE NETWORKS AND APPLICATIONS. v. 23, p. 967-981, issn: 15728153, 2017.
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2.   BARRETO, GRASIELLI ; SIMÃO, DANIEL ; PELLENZ, MARCELO ; SOUZA, RICHARD ; JAMHOUR, Edgard ; PENNA, MANOEL ; BRANTE, GLAUBER ; CHANG, BRUNO. Energy-Efficient Channel Coding Strategy for Underwater Acoustic Networks. SENSORS. v. 17, p. 728, issn: 14248220, 2017.
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3.   BRUN, ANDRÉ L. ; Britto, Alceu S. ; OLIVEIRA, LUIZ S. ; ENEMBRECK, FABRICIO ; SABOURIN, Robert. A Framework for Dynamic Classifier Selection oriented by the Classification Problem Difficulty. PATTERN RECOGNITION. v. 76, p. 175-190, issn: 00313203, 2017.
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4.   CHAVES, F. F. ; CARVALHO, T. L. A. ; PARAISO, E. C. ; PAGANO, A. ; REIS, I. A. ; TORRES, H. C.. Aplicativos para adolescentes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1: revisão integrativa da literatura. ACTA PAUL DE ENFERM. v. 30, p. 565-572, issn: 19820194, 2017.
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5.   DE SOUZA RELLI, CLEBER ; Facon, Jacques ; AYALA, HORACIO LEGAL ; DE SOUZA BRITTO, ALCEU. Automatic counting of trypanosomatid amastigotes in infected human cells. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. v. 89, p. 222-222?235, issn: 00104825, 2017.
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6.   Giovanna Garcia ; MONEGO, Hermes Irineu Del ; PELLENZ, M. E. ; SOUZA, Richard Demo ; FONSECA, Anelise Munaretto ; FONSECA, M. S. P.. An iterative heuristic approach for channel and power allocation in wireless networks. ANNALS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS. v. 1, p. 1-11, issn: 19589395, 2017.
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7.   GOMES, HEITOR MURILO ; BARDDAL, JEAN PAUL ; BIFET, A. ; Enembreck, Fabrício. A Survey on Ensemble Learning for Data Stream Classification. ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS. v. 50, p. 1-36, issn: 03600300, 2017.
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8.   GOMES, HEITOR MURILO ; BIFET, A. ; READ, J. ; BARDDAL, JEAN PAUL ; Enembreck, Fabricio ; PFAHRINGER, BERNHARD ; HOLMES, G. ; ABDESSALEM, T.. Adaptive random forests for evolving data stream classification. MACHINE LEARNING. p. 1-27, issn: 08856125, 2017.
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9.   Granatyr, J. ; OSMAN, N. ; DIAS, J. ; NUNES, M. A. S. N. ; MASTHOFF, J. ; ENEMBRECK, Fabrício ; LESSING, O. R. ; SIERRA, C. ; PAIVA, A. M. ; SCALABRIN, E. E.. The Need for Affective Trust Applied to Trust and Reputation Models. ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS. v. 50, p. 1-36, issn: 03600300, 2017.
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10.   HERNANDES, S. C. L. ; CALSAVARA, Alcides ; Lima Jr., Luiz A. P.. Serviços de Emergência em Cidades: o Problema de Acionamento de Unidades Móveis. REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO (RESI). v. 16, p. 1, issn: 16773071, 2017.
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11.   MIGUEL, MARCIO ; JAMHOUR, Edgard ; PELLENZ, MARCELO ; PENNA, MANOEL. A Power Planning Algorithm Based on RPL for AMI Wireless Sensor Networks. SENSORS. v. 17, p. 679, issn: 14248220, 2017.
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12.   MIGUEL, M. L. F. ; Penna, M. C. ; JAMHOUR, Edgard ; PELLENZ, M. E.. A CoAP based Control Plane for Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks. JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS. v. 19, p. 555-562, issn: 12292370, 2017.
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13.   PALMER, CLAIRE ; USMAN, ZAHID ; CANCIGLIERI JUNIOR, OSIRIS ; Malucelli, Andreia ; YOUNG, ROBERT I. M.. Interoperable manufacturing knowledge systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH. v. 55, p. 1-20, issn: 00207543, 2017.
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14.   SOUZA, F. A. ; CARPES, Laércio Martins ; Enembreck, Fabrício ; VILA, C. U.. Um Modelo Baseado em Sistemas Multiagente para Autorrecuperação de Redes Elétricas Inteligentes Considerando Geração Distribuída e Corte Seletivo de Cargas. Revista IEEE América Latina. v. 15, p. 1-7, issn: 15480992, 2017.
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15.   Valaski, J. ; Reinehr, S. ; Andreia Malucelli. An ontology to support the classification of learning material in an organizational learning environment: an evaluation. INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY AND SMART EDUCATION. v. 14, p. 67-87, issn: 17415659, 2017.
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16.   VIEGAS, E. K. ; Santin, Altair O. ; OLIVEIRA, L. E. S.. Toward a reliable anomaly-based intrusion detection in real-world environments. Computer Networks. v. 127, p. 200-216, issn: 13891286, 2017.
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17.   VIEGAS, EDUARDO ; SANTIN, ALTAIR OLIVO ; FRANCA, ANDRE ; JASINSKI, RICARDO ; PEDRONI, VOLNEI A. ; OLIVEIRA, LUIZ S.. Towards an Energy-Efficient Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection Engine for Embedded Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS. v. 66, p. 163-177, issn: 00189340, 2017.
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18.   ZANETTI, Marcelo ; JAMHOUR, Edgard ; PELLENZ, MARCELO ; PENNA, MANOEL ; ZAMBENEDETTI, VOLDI ; CHUEIRI, IVAN. A Tunable Fraud Detection System for Advanced Metering Infrastructure using Short-Lived Patterns. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. v. PP, p. 1-1, issn: 19493053, 2017.
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1.   BARDDAL, JEAN PAUL ; GOMES, H. M. ; ENEMBRECK, F. ; PFAHRINGER, BERNHARD. A Survey on Feature Drift Adaptation: Definition, Benchmark, Challenges and Future Directions. The Journal of Systems and Software. v. 000, p. 1-17, issn: 01641212, 2016.
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2.   BARDDAL, JEAN PAUL ; GOMES, HEITOR MURILO ; Enembreck, Fabrício ; BARTHÈS, JEAN-PAUL. SNCStream+: Extending a high quality true anytime data stream clustering algorithm. INFORMATION SYSTEMS. v. 62, p. 60-73, issn: 03064379, 2016.
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3.   BEUREN A.T. (Arlete Teresinha Beuren) ; FACON, J.. DETECÇÃO DE LINHA DO HORIZONTE EM IMAGENS DIGITAIS. Revista Científica Inovação e Tecnologia. v. 1, p. 38-46, issn: 21751846, 2016.
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4.   Beuren, Arlete Teresinha ; Facon, Jacques. Separação das regiões de céu e terra em imagens digitais. SODEBRÁS. v. 11, p. 116-121, issn: 18093957, 2016.
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5.   CURCIO, KARINA ; Malucelli, Andreia ; Reinehr, Sheila ; PALUDO, MARCO ANTÔNIO. An analysis of the factors determining software product quality: A comparative study. Computer Standards & Interfaces. v. 48, p. 10-18, issn: 09205489, 2016.
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6.   DE SOUZA, FABIO ALEXANDRE ; CHANG, BRUNO SENS ; BRANTE, GLAUBER ; SOUZA, Richard Demo ; PELLENZ, MARCELO EDUARDO ; ROSAS, FERNANDO. Optimizing the Number of Hops and Retransmissions for Energy Efficient Multi-Hop Underwater Acoustic Communications. IEEE Sensors Journal. v. 16, p. 3927-3938, issn: 1530437X, 2016.
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7.   GRANATYR, J. ; SCALABRIN, E. E. ; TAFFE, F. A. ; DAROLD, A. D.. Business Intelligence utilizando o FastCube. Clube Delphi. v. 166, p. 4-15, issn: 15179907, 2016.
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8.   MENOLLI, ANDRÉ LUÍS ANDRADE ; PINTO, H. SOFIA ; Reinehr, Sheila ; Malucelli, Andreia. SECOL: a semantic environment based on social media to support organisational learning. BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. v. 1, p. 1-26, issn: 0144929X, 2016.
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9.   MICHELON, GISANE A. ; Lima Jr., Luiz A. P. ; OLIVEIRA JR., JOSÉ AÉLIO DE ; ANDRADE, GIL E. DE. Weighted Centrality by Potential for Replica Relocation in MANETs. International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering. v. 8, p. 151-160, issn: 17938163, 2016.
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10.   NADAS, JOAO ; SOUZA, RICHARD ; PELLENZ, MARCELO ; BRANTE, GLAUBER ; BRAGA, SERGIO. Energy Efficient Beacon Based Synchronization for Alarm Driven Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. v. 23, p. 1-1, issn: 10709908, 2016.
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11.   PARAISO, E. C.; BOZ JR, G. ; RAMOS, M. P. ; SATO, G. Y. ; TACLA, C. A.. Improving Knowledge Acquisition in Collaborative Knowledge Construction Tool with Virtual Catalyst. Computing and Informatics. v. 35, p. 914-940, issn: 13359150, 2016.
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12.   PONTES, J. K. ; KOERICH, Alessandro ; BRITTO JR, A. S. ; FOOKES, C.. A flexible hierarchical approach for facial age estimation based on multiple features. Pattern Recognition. v. 54, p. 34-51, issn: 00313203, 2016.
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13.   RELLI, C. S. ; FACON, J. ; LEGAL-YALA, HORACIO. Segmentação e contagem de formas amastigotas de leishmania chagasi em células humanas. SODEBRÁS. v. 10, p. 1-7, issn: 18093957, 2016.
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14.   ROSAS, FERNANDO ; SOUZA, Richard Demo ; PELLENZ, MARCELO E. ; OBERLI, CHRISTIAN ; BRANTE, GLAUBER ; VERHELST, MARIAN ; POLLIN, SOFIE. Optimizing the Code Rate of Energy-Constrained Wireless Communications With HARQ. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. v. 15, p. 191-205, issn: 15361276, 2016.
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15.   VARELA, PAULO JUNIOR ; JUSTINO, EDSON JOSE RODRIGUES ; BORTOLOZZI, FLAVIO ; OLIVEIRA, LUIZ EDUARDO SOARES. A Computational Approach Based on Syntactic Levels of Language in Authorship Attribution. Revista IEEE América Latina. v. 14, p. 259-266, issn: 15480992, 2016.
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1.   ALMEIDA, P. R. L. ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Eduardo Soares ; A.S. Britto Jr. ; SILVA JUNIOR, E. J. ; KOERICH, Alessandro. PKLot - A robust dataset for parking lot classification. Expert Systems with Applications. v. 42, p. 4937-4949, issn: 09574174, 2015.
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2.   BARDDAL, J. ; GOMES, HEITOR MURILO ; Enembreck, Fabrício. Advances on Concept Drift Detection in Regression Tasks Using Social Networks Theory. International Journal of Natural Computing Research. v. 5, p. 26-41, issn: 1947928X, 2015.
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3.   COELHO NETO, JOAO ; Reinehr, Sheila ; Malucelli, Andreia. Processo de Desenvolvimento para Jogos Eletrônicos Educacionais: uma Revisão de Literatura. Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação. v. 23, p. 84-98-98, issn: 14145685, 2015.
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4.   Fontana, R. ; Meyer Junior, V. ; Reinehr, S. ; Malucelli, A.. Progressive Outcomes: a Framework for Maturing in Agile Software Development. The Journal of Systems and Software. v. 102, p. 88-108, issn: 01641212, 2015.
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5.   FONTANA, RAFAELA MANTOVANI ; Reinehr, Sheila ; Malucelli, Andreia. Agile Compass: A Tool for Identifying Maturity in Agile Software-Development Teams. IEEE Software. v. 32, p. 20-23, issn: 07407459, 2015.
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6.   GRANATYR, JONES ; LESSING, O. R. ; Botêlho, Vanderson ; SCALABRIN, E. E. ; BARTHÈS, JEAN-PAUL A. ; Enembreck, Fabrício. Trust and Reputation Models for Multiagent Systems. ACM Computing Surveys. v. 48, p. 1-42, issn: 03600300, 2015.
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7.   GUERRA, ERIK ORTIZ ; REGUERA, VITALIO ALFONSO ; SOUZA, RICHARD D ; FERNÁNDEZ, EVELIO G ; PELLENZ, MARCELO E. Systematic construction of common channel hopping rendezvous strategies in cognitive radio networks. EURASIP J WIREL COMM. v. 2015, p. 1, issn: 16871499, 2015.
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8.   KAKITANI, MARCOS TOMIO ; GOMES DE OLIVEIRA BRANTE, GLAUBER ; Demo Souza, Richard ; PELLENZ, MARCELO EDUARDO ; IMRAN, MUHAMMAD ALI. Energy Efficiency vs. Economic Cost of Cellular Networks under Co-channel Interference. Revista IEEE América Latina. v. 13, p. 422-427, issn: 15480992, 2015.
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9.   LACHOWSKI, ROSANA ; PELLENZ, MARCELO ; PENNA, MANOEL ; JAMHOUR, Edgard ; SOUZA, RICHARD. An Efficient Distributed Algorithm for Constructing Spanning Trees in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors (Basel). v. 15, p. 1518-1536, issn: 14248220, 2015.
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10.   MARIANI, WAGNER C. ; PENNA, MANOEL CAMILLO ; PELLENZ, MARCELO E. ; JAMHOUR, Edgard. Channel allocation algorithms for co-existence of base stations in IEEE 802.22 networks. Journal of High Speed Networks. v. 21, p. 57-68, issn: 18758940, 2015.
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11.   MARTINS, J. ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Eduardo Soares de ; SABOURIN, Robert ; Alceu de S. Britto Jr.. Forest species recognition based on dynamic classifier selection and dissimilarity feature vector representation. Machine Vision and Applications. p. 1-15, issn: 09328092, 2015.
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12.   MARYNOWSKI, JOÃO EUGENIO ; SANTIN, ALTAIR OLIVO ; PIMENTEL, ANDREY RICARDO. Method for testing the fault tolerance of MapReduce frameworks. Computer Networks (1999). v. 86, p. 1-13, issn: 13891286, 2015.
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13.   Menolli, A. L. A. ; Cunha, M. C. ; Reinehr, S. ; Malucelli, A.. Old theories, New technologies: Understanding knowledge sharing and learning in Brazilian software development companies. Information and Software Technology. v. 58, p. 289-303, issn: 09505849, 2015.
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14.   Schatz C.V. ; Schneider F.K. ; ABATTI, P. J. ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar. Fuzzy-NNARX based Tool for Monitoring and Predicting Patients Conditions using Selected Vital Signs. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK SECURITY. v. 15, p. 113-122, issn: 17387906, 2015.
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15.   SCHATZ, Cecilia Haydée Vallejos de ; SCHNEIDER, Fabio Kurt ; ABATTI, Paulo José ; Nievola, Júlio Cesar. Dynamic Fuzzy-Neural based tool formonitoring and predicting patients conditions using selected vital signs. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. v. 28, p. 2579-2590, issn: 10641246, 2015.
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16.   WANDERLEY, G. M. P. ; TACLA, C. A. ; BARTHES, J. ; Emerson Cabrera Paraiso. Knowledge discovery in task-oriented dialogue. Expert Systems with Applications. v. 42, p. 6807-6818, issn: 09574174, 2015.
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1.   BRITTO, A. S.; SABOURIN, Robert ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Eduardo Soares. Dynamic selection of classifiers A comprehensive review. Pattern Recognition. v. 47, p. 3665-3680, issn: 00313203, 2014.
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2.   Carvalho, C. ; Cubas, M. R. ; Malucelli, A. ; Nóbrega, M. M. L.. Alignment of ICNP® 2.0 Ontology and a proposed INCP® Brazilian Ontology. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem (USP. Ribeirão Preto. Impresso). v. 22, p. 499-503, issn: 01041169, 2014.
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3.   CARVALHO, M. C. N. ; MEGUER, M. F. B. ; FREITAS, C. O. A.. ?Justiça? como Objeto de Consumo: é possível satisfazer o sujeito contemporâneo. Derecho y Cambio Social. v. 36, p. 1-22, issn: 22244131, 2014.
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4.   Fontana, R. ; FONTANA, I. M. ; Garbuio, P. ; REINEHR, S. ; Malucelli, A.. Processes versus people: How should agile software development maturity be defined?. The Journal of Systems and Software. v. 97, p. 140-155, issn: 01641212, 2014.
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5.   GRANATYR, J. ; RUBY, J. ; LESSING, O. R. ; ENEMBRECK, F.. Mineração com aprendizagem de máquina. SQL magazine. v. 122, p. 12-23, issn: 16779185, 2014.
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6.   GRANATYR, J. ; SPAK, F. ; ENEMBRECK, F. ; LESSING, O. R.. Mineração de dados com árvores de decisão. SQL magazine. v. 125, p. 50-58, issn: 16779185, 2014.
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7.   JAMHOUR, Edgard ; CAMILLO PENNA, MANOEL. A reversible CTMC model for availability analysis of shared mesh restoration schemes for WDM networks. JOURNAL OF HIGH SPEED NETWORKS. v. 20, p. 223-237, issn: 09266801, 2014.
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8.   Kalinowski, M. ; Biff, S. ; Spínola, R. ; REINEHR, S.. From project-oriented to service-oriented software development: an industrial experience guided by a service reference model. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development. v. 2, p. 10, issn: 21951721, 2014.
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9.   LEITE, ALLAN R. ; Enembreck, Fabrício ; BARTHÈS, JEAN-PAUL A.. Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems: Review and Perspectives. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. v. 41, p. 5139-5157, issn: 09574174, 2014.
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10.   Machado, D. Z. ; Carvalho, D. R. ; Malucelli, A.. Desenvolvimento da imagem corporal interna caracterizado a partir do processo KDD: um estudo sobre órgãos e sistemas. Journal of Health Informatics. v. 6, p. 147-152, issn: 21754411, 2014.
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11.   MAFRA, P.M. ; FRAGA, J.S. ; SANTIN, A.O.. Algorithms for a distributed IDS in MANETs. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES. v. 80, p. 554-570, issn: 00220000, 2014.
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12.   MARCON, ARLINDO LUIS ; SANTIN, ALTAIR OLIVO ; STIHLER, MAICON ; BACHTOLD, JULIANA. A $( m UCON_{ABC})$ Resilient Authorization Evaluation for Cloud Computing. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS. v. 25, p. 457-467, issn: 10459219, 2014.
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13.   MEDEIROS, HENRY PONTI ; MACIEL, MARCOS COSTA ; Demo Souza, Richard ; PELLENZ, MARCELO EDUARDO. Lightweight Data Compression in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Huffman Coding. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. v. 2014, p. 1-11, issn: 15501329, 2014.
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14.   MENOLLI, ANDRÉ ; Cunha, Maria Alexandra ; Reinehr, Sheila ; Malucelli, Andreia. Old Theories, New technologies: Understanding knowledge sharing and learning in brazilian software development companies. Information and Software Technology. v. 58, p. 289-303, issn: 09505849, 2014.
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15.   PARCHEN, C. E. ; FREITAS, C. O. A.. O Caso B2W: Comércio Eletrônico e Consumo. Revista Jurídica (FIC). v. 2, p. 297-316, issn: 2316753X, 2014.
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16.   Paula Filho, P.L. ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Eduardo Soares ; NIGOSKI, S. ; BRITTO JR, A. S.. Forest species recognition using macroscopic images. Machine Vision and Applications. p. 1019-1031, issn: 09328092, 2014.
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17.   PEREIRA, DYSON ; CAMILLO PENNA, MANOEL. A new algorithm for dimensioning resilient optical networks for shared-mesh protection against multiple link failures. Optical Switching and Networking (Print). v. 13, p. 158-172, issn: 15734277, 2014.
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18.   RODRIGUES, R. S. A. ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar ; BARRA, C. M. C. M. ; HARTMANN, L. F. ; STEFANI, M. M. A. ; BUHRER, S. ; PEREIRA, A. C. ; MORAES, M. O. ; FAVA, V. M. ; MIRA, M. T.. Previsão da Ocorrência dos Estados Reacionais da Hanseníase Baseada em Redes Bayesianas. Hansenologia Internationalis: Hanseníase e outras doenças infecciosas. v. 39, p. 155-155, issn: 19825161, 2014.
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19.   SCARPETTA, J. ; FREITAS, C. O. A.. A Prova Escrita Eletrônica na Ação Monitória. Revista Magister de Direito Civil e Processual Civil. v. 61, p. 38-54, issn: 18070930, 2014.
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20.   SILVA, W. S. ; Ribeiro, R. ; TEIXEIRA, M. ; ENEMBRECK, F.. IDENTIFICANDO EMOCÕES EM REDES SOCIAIS: Um estudo de caso no facebook. Revista Eletrônica Científica Inovação e Tecnologia. v. 2, p. 81-89, issn: 21751846, 2014.
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21.   TAMBARA, I. ; BATISTA, O. H. S. ; FREITAS, C. O. A.. A Proteção do Consumidor e as Técnicas de Neuromarketing no Comércio Eletrônico que Potencializam sua Vulnerabilidade. Revista Direito Empresarial (Curitiba). v. 11, p. 89-107, issn: 1806910X, 2014.
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22.   Valaski, Joselaine ; STANCKE, W. ; REINEHR, S. ; Malucelli, A.. WER Overview: Retrospective, Trends and Relevance. CLEI Electronic Journal. v. 17, p. Paper 3, issn: 07175000, 2014.
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23.   YAMAMOTO, L. Z. ; FREITAS, C. O. A. ; EFING, A. C.. Análise Comparative de Simuladores de Rentabilidade para Previdência Privada sob a Ótica do Consumidor. Revista Jurídica CESUMAR. Mestrado. v. 14, p. 119-142, issn: 16776402, 2014.
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24.   Zahra, F. M. ; Malucelli, A. ; Freddo, A. ; TACLA, C.. Ferramentas para aprendizagem de ontologias a partir de textos. Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação (Online). v. 19, p. 3-21, issn: 19815344, 2014.
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25.   ZANONI, J. C. ; RAMOS, M. P. ; TACLA, C. A. ; SATO, G. Y. ; SATO, G. Y. ; PARAISO, E. C. ; WANDERLEY, G. M. P.. COMENTE+: a Tool for Improving Source Code Documentation Using Information Retrieval. Journal of Computer Sciences. v. 10, p. 755-762, issn: 15493636, 2014.
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1.   ALBINI, FABIO ; Munaretto, Anelise ; Fonseca, Mauro ; AMORIM, MARCELO DIAS ; PELLEGRINI, FRANCESCO. A blind mechanism to improve content distribution in delay/disruption tolerant networks. Wireless Networks (Online). v. 10, p. 9, issn: 15728196, 2013.
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2.   Alves, C. F. ; Carvalho, D. R. ; Malucelli, A.. ONTOTRANSPLANTE: Ontologia relacionada à Histocompatibilidade. Journal of Health Informatics. v. 5, p. 60-66, issn: 21754411, 2013.
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3.   Angonese, César ; CALSAVARA, Alcides ; Lima, Luiz A. P.. Workload Balance in Cloud-replicated Services. Revista Tecnologia (UNIFOR). v. 34, p. 53-62, issn: 01018191, 2013.
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4.   BERTOLINI, D. ; OLIVEIRA, L.S. ; JUSTINO, E. ; SABOURIN, R.. Texture-based descriptors for writer identification and verification. Expert Systems with Applications. v. 40, p. 2069-2080, issn: 09574174, 2013.
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5.   Beuren, Arlete Teresinha ; Facon, Jacques. Segmentação De Melanoma. Revista Eletrônica Científica Inovação e Tecnologia. v. 2, p. 1-4, issn: 21754846, 2013.
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6.   BORGES, Helyane Bronoski ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar. Multi-Label Hierarchical Classification for Protein Function Prediction. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. v. 7, p. 90, issn: 13076892, 2013.
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7.   BORGES, Helyane Bronoski ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar. Multi-label Hierarchical Classification for Protein Function Predicition. WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY. v. 7, p. 1081-1085, issn: 20103778, 2013.
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8.   BORGES, Helyane Bronoski ; SILLA JUNIOR, Carlos Nascimento ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar. An evaluation of global-model hierarchical classification algorithms for hierarchical classification problems with single path of labels. Computers & Mathematics with Applications (1987). v. 1, p. 1-12, issn: 08981221, 2013.
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9.   Cubas, M. R. ; Brondani, A. ; Malucelli, A.. Nursing diagnoses and outcomes related to the circulatory-system terms (ICNP®) represented in an ontology. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP (Impresso). v. 47, p. 1068-1075, issn: 00806234, 2013.
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10.   Cubas, Marcia Regina ; Silva, C. L. ; Moreno, F. N. ; Malucelli, A.. RECURSO COMPUTACIONAL AUXILIAR AO ENSINO DO RACIOCÍNIO DIAGNÓSTICO: INTENÇÕES E VALORES IDENTIFICADOS. Cogitare Enfermagem (UFPR). v. 18, p. 669-675, issn: 14148536, 2013.
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11.   Enembreck, Fabrício; Barthes, Jean Paul. A social approach for learning agents. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. v. 40, p. 1902-1916, issn: 09574174, 2013.
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12.   GUASQUE, B. ; FREITAS, C. O. A.. Política Judiciária e Processo Eletrônico: Eficácia Socioeconômica. Direito & Justiça (Porto Alegre. Impresso). v. 39, p. 55-68, issn: 01009079, 2013.
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13.   IANZEN, ANDRESSA ; MAUDA, EVERSON CARLOS ; PALUDO, MARCO ANTÔNIO ; Reinehr, Sheila ; Malucelli, Andreia. Software Process Improvement in a Financial Organization: An Action Research Approach. COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES. v. 36, p. 54-65, issn: 09205489, 2013.
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14.   Marques, M.A.O. ; FREITAS, C. O. A.. Restauração e Decifração de Documentos: Reconstrução de Documentos do tipo 'Spaghetti' com base na Cor. Revista IEEE América Latina. v. 11, p. 1360-1566, issn: 15480992, 2013.
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15.   MAZIERO, Carlos ; dos Santos, Douglas ; SANTIN, ALTAIR. Evaluation of desktop operating systems under thrashing conditions. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Impresso). v. 19, p. 29-42, issn: 01046500, 2013.
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16.   Menolli, A. L. A. ; Reinehr, S. ; Malucelli, A.. Improving Organizational Learning: Defining Units of Learning from Social Tools. Informatics in Education. v. 12, p. 273-290, issn: 16485831, 2013.
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17.   MENOLLI, ANDRE ; Reinehr, Sheila ; Malucelli, Andreia. ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING APPLIED TO SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. v. 23, p. 1153-1175, issn: 02181940, 2013.
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18.   MORITZ, GUILHERME LUIZ ; SOUZA, Richard Demo ; Pimentel, Cecilio ; PELLENZ, MARCELO EDUARDO ; UCHOA-FILHO, BARTOLOMEU F. ; BENCHIMOL, ISAAC. Turbo Decoding Using the Sectionalized Minimal Trellis of the Constituent Code: Performance-Complexity Trade-Off. IEEE Transactions on Communications (Print). v. 61, p. 3600-3610, issn: 00906778, 2013.
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19.   OLIVEIRA, W. ; JUSTINO, E. ; OLIVEIRA, L.S.. Comparing compression models for authorship attribution. Forensic Science International. v. 228, p. 100-104, issn: 03790738, 2013.
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20.   OLIVO, CLEBER K. ; Santin, Altair O. ; OLIVEIRA, LUIZ S.. Obtaining the threat model for e-mail phishing. Applied Soft Computing (Print). v. 13, p. 4841-4848, issn: 15684946, 2013.
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21.   PARCHEN, C. E. ; FREITAS, C. O. A. ; EFING, A. C.. Computação em Nuvem e Aspectos Jurídicos da Segurança da Informação. Revista Jurídica CESUMAR. Mestrado. v. 13, p. 331-355, issn: 16776402, 2013.
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22.   PARCHEN, C. E. ; FREITAS, C. O. A. ; EFING, A. C.. As Compras Coletivas e os Contratos Eletrônicos sob a Ótica do Desenvolvimento e Inclusão Social. Revista Direito Empresarial (Curitiba). v. 10, p. 205-226, issn: 1806910X, 2013.
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23.   RIBAS, F. C. ; OLIVEIRA, L. S. ; BRITTO, A. S. ; SABOURIN, R.. Handwritten digit segmentation: a comparative study. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (Print). v. 16, p. 127-137, issn: 14332833, 2013.
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24.   RIBEIRO, Richardson ; Enembreck, Fabricio. A sociologically inspired heuristic for optimization algorithms: A case study on ant systems. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. v. 40, p. 1814-1826, issn: 09574174, 2013.
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25.   ROSA, THIAGO MATTOS ; SANTIN, ALTAIR OLIVO ; MALUCELLI, ANDREIA. Mitigating XML Injection 0-Day Attacks through Strategy-Based Detection Systems. IEEE Security & Privacy. v. 11, p. 46-53, issn: 15407993, 2013.
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26.   Seger, R. A. ; Wanderley, M. M. ; Koerich, A.L.. Automatic Detection of Musicians Ancillary Gestures Based on Video Analysis. Expert Systems with Applications. v. 41, p. 2098-2106, issn: 09574174, 2013.
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27.   SELLMER, DANIELLE ; Carvalho, Carina Maris Gaspar ; CARVALHO, DEBORAH RIBEIRO ; Malucelli, Andreia. Sistema especialista para apoiar a decisão na terapia tópica de úlceras venosas. Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (Online). v. 34, p. 154-162, issn: 19831447, 2013.
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28.   SILVA, H. A. ; BRITTO JR, A. S. ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Eduardo Soares de ; KOERICH, Alessandro. Network infrastructure design with a multilevel algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications. v. 40, p. 3471-3480, issn: 09574174, 2013.
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29.   TREVISAN, LUIS M ; PELLENZ, MARCELO E ; PENNA, MANOEL C ; SOUZA, RICHARD D ; FONSECA, MAURO SP. A Simple Iterative Positioning Algorithm for Client Node Localization in WLANs. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. v. 2013, p. 276-287, issn: 16871499, 2013.
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30.   Zahra, F. M. ; Carvalho, D. R. ; Malucelli, A.. PORONTO: Ferramenta para Construção Semiautomática de Ontologias em Português. Journal of Health Informatics. v. 5, p. 52-59, issn: 21754411, 2013.
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31.   ZAVASCHI, T. E. ; BRITTO JR, A. S. ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Eduardo Soares de ; KOERICH, Alessandro. Fusion of Feature Sets and Classifiers for Facial Expression Recognition. Expert Systems with Applications. v. 40, p. 646-655, issn: 09574174, 2013.
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1.   ALVES, HIRLEY ; SOUZA, Richard Demo ; FRAIDENRAICH, GUSTAVO ; PELLENZ, MARCELO EDUARDO. Throughput performance of parallel and repetition coding in incremental decode-and-forward relaying. Wireless Networks (Online). v. 4, p. 1-6, issn: 15728196, 2012.
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2.   BARDDAL, J. ; Enembreck, Fabrício. Gerenciamento de Desvios em Malha Férrea Utilizando Agentes Autônomos Reativos. Revista Junior de Iniciação Científica em Ciências Exatas e Engenharia. v. 1, p. 26-34, issn: 22360093, 2012.
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3.   BORGES, Helyane Bronoski ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar. Comparing the dimensionality reduction methods in gene expression databases. Expert Systems with Applications. Expert Systems with Applications. v. 39, p. 10780-10795, issn: 09574174, 2012.
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4.   BRANTE, G. G. O. ; PELLENZ, M. E. ; SOUZA, Richard Demo. Spectrally Efficient Incremental Relaying for Coverage Expansion in Cellular Networks with Heterogeneous Path Loss Conditions. Wireless Personal Communications. v. 64, p. 811-829, issn: 09296212, 2012.
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5.   Carvalho, Carina Maris Gaspar ; Moro, C. ; Cubas, M. R. ; Malucelli, A.. Sistemas de Informação em Saúde que integram terminologias de enfermagem: uma revisão de literatura. Journal of Health Informatics. v. 4, p. 50-54, issn: 21754411, 2012.
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6.   Costa, Y. M. G. ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz E. S. ; Koerich, A.L. ; GOUYON, F. ; MARTINS, J. G.. Music Genre Classification Using LBP Textural Features. Signal Processing (Print). v. 92, p. 2723-2737, issn: 01651684, 2012.
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7.   HANUSIAK, R. K. ; OLIVEIRA, L. S. ; JUSTINO, E. ; SABOURIN, R.. Writer verification using texture-based features. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (Print). v. 15, p. 213-226, issn: 14332833, 2012.
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8.   MENOTTI, D. ; NAJMAN, Laurent ; FACON, J. ; ARAÚJO, A. de A.. Fast Hue-Preserving Histogram Equalization Methods For Color Image Contrast Enhancement. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (ONLINE). v. 4, p. 243-259, issn: 09753826, 2012.
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9.   MONTEIRO, TÂNIA L. ; PELLENZ, MARCELO E. ; Penna, Manoel C. ; ENEMBRECK, FABRÍCIO ; Pujolle, Guy ; SOUZA, RICHARD DEMO. Channel Allocation Algorithms for WLANs using Distributed Optimization. AEU. International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Print). v. 66, p. 480-490, issn: 14348411, 2012.
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10.   Nizer, P.S.M. ; Nievola, J.C.. Predicting published news effect in the Brazilian stock market. Expert Systems with Applications. p. 10674-10680, issn: 09574174, 2012.
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11.   PETTERS Abilio Mancuello ; ROMERO José María Lezcano ; AYALA, Horácio Andres Legal ; Facon, Jacques. Moving license plate segmentation by region and corner-based approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS (PRINT). v. 4, p. 149-162, issn: 1751648X, 2012.
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12.   RIBEIRO, M. M. ; FREITAS, C. O. A.. Análise Crítica do e-Government como Instrumento de Eficiência da Arrecadação Tributária. Revista Direito Empresarial (Curitiba). v. 3, p. 205-232, issn: 1806910X, 2012.
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13.   RICCI, H. C. ; FREITAS, C. O. A.. OS Títulos de Crédito Eletrônicos e sua (In)Compatibilidade com os Princípios do Direito Cambial: por uma mudança de paradigma frente aos Documentos Eletrônicos. Revista Jurídica CESUMAR. Mestrado. v. 12, p. 439-461, issn: 16776402, 2012.
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14.   SILVA, H. ; Britto Jr., A. S. ; Oliveira, L. E. S. ; Koerich, A.L.. Network infrastructure design with a multilevel algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications. v. 40, p. 3471-3480, issn: 09574174, 2012.
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15.   TRINDADE, C. M. ; BARRA, C. M. C. M. ; ALDENUCCI, M. G. ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar ; CARVALHO, D. R. ; Moysés, Samuel Jorge. Technology in Health: Knowledge Discovery in Public Health Databases: Study of Viral Hepatitis in the State of Paraná, Brazil. Iberoamerican Journal of Applied Computing. v. 2, p. 43-53, issn: 22374523, 2012.
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16.   TRINDADE, Carla Machado da ; MORO, Claudia Cabral ; ALDENUCCI, Marcia Gil ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar ; CARVALHO, D. R. ; MOYSES, Samuel Jorge. KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY IN PUBLIC HEALTH DATABASES: STUDY OF VIRAL HEPATITIS IN THE STATE OF PARANÁ, BRAZIL. Iberoamerican Journal of Applied Computing. v. 2, p. 43-53, issn: 22374523, 2012.
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17.   TRINDADE, Carla Machado da ; Moro, Claudia Maria Cabral de Barra ; ALDENUCI, Marcia Gil ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar ; Carvalho, Deborah ; MOYSÉS, Samuel Jorge. Technology in Health: Knowledge Discovery in Public Health Databases: Study of Viral Hepatitis in the State of Paraná, Brazil. Iberoamerican Journal of Applied Computing. v. 2, p. 43-53, issn: 22374523, 2012.
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18.   Valaski, Joselaine ; Malucelli, Andreia ; Reinehr, Sheila. Ontologies application in organizational learning: A literature review. Expert Systems with Applications. v. 39, p. 7555-7561, issn: 09574174, 2012.
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20.   VRIESMANN, L. M. ; Britto, Alceu de Souza ; OLIVEIRA, L. E. S. ; SABOURIN, R. ; KO, A.. Improving a dynamic ensemble selection method based on oracle information.. International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications (Print). v. 4, p. 184-200, issn: 1751648X, 2012.
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21.   Zavaschi, Thiago H.H. ; Britto, Alceu S. ; Oliveira, Luiz E.S. ; Koerich, Alessandro L.. Fusion of feature sets and classifiers for facial expression recognition. Expert Systems with Applications. v. 40, p. 646-655, issn: 09574174, 2012.
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1.   ALMEIDA, C. ; FREITAS, C. O. A. ; EFING, A. C. ; ERBANO, T.. Materialização de Documentos Eletrônicos e seus Reflexos Jurídicos. Revista Direito Empresarial (Curitiba). v. 8, p. 231-251, issn: 1806910X, 2011.
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2.   Bisetto, L. H. L. ; Cubas, M. R. ; Malucelli, A.. A prática da enfermagem frente aos eventos adversos pós-vacinação. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP (Impresso). v. 45, p. 1125-1131, issn: 00806234, 2011.
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3.   Botêlho, Vanderson ; ENEMBRECK, Fabrício ; Ávila, Bráulio ; de Azevedo, Hilton ; SCALABRIN, E. E.. Using asymmetric keys in a certified trust model for multiagent systems. Expert Systems with Applications. v. 38, p. 1233-1240, issn: 09574174, 2011.
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4.   BRANTE, G. G. O. ; SOUZA, Richard Demo ; PELLENZ, M. E.. Cooperative Partial Retransmission Scheme in Incremental Decode-and-Forward Relaying. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. v. 2011, p. 1-23, issn: 16871472, 2011.
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5.   CORRADI, M. ; SILVA, Sandra Honorato da ; SCALABRIN, E. E.. Objetos virtuais para apoio ao processo ensino aprendizagem do exame físico em enfermagem. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem (UNIFESP. Impresso). v. 24, p. 348-353, issn: 01032100, 2011.
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6.   Cubas, M. R. ; Carvalho, C. ; Malucelli, A. ; Denipote, A. G. M.. Mapeamento dos Termos dos Eixos Tempo, Localização, Meio e Cliente entre Versões da CIPE. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Impresso). v. 64, p. 248-253, issn: 00347167, 2011.
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7.   Cubas, Marcia Regina ; Carvalho, Carina Maris Gaspar ; Malucelli, A. ; DENIPOTE, A. G. M.. Mapeamento dos termos dos eixos tempo, localização, meio e cliente entre versões da CIPE® e CIPESC®. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Impresso). v. 64, p. 1100-1105, issn: 00347167, 2011.
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8.   Cubas, Marcia Regina ; Carvalho, Carina Maris Gaspar ; Malucelli, Andreia ; Denipote, Adelita Gonzalez Martinez. Mapeamento dos termos do eixo ação entre diferentes classificações de enfermagem. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Impresso). v. 64, p. 248-253, issn: 00347167, 2011.
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9.   Enembreck, Fabrício; André Barthès, Jean-Paul. Distributed constraint optimization with MULBS: A case study on collaborative meeting scheduling. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. p. 1-12, issn: 10848045, 2011.
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10.   Junior, Paulo Roberto ; Fonseca, Mauro ; Munaretto, Anelise ; Viana, Aline ; Ziviani, Artur. ZAP: a distributed channel assignment algorithm for cognitive radio networks. EURASIP J WIREL COMM. v. 2011, p. 27, issn: 16871499, 2011.
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11.   Kropiwiec, Cássio Ditzel ; JAMHOUR, Edgard ; Penna, Manoel Camillo ; Pujolle, Guy. Multi-constraint security policies for delegated firewall administration. International Journal of Network Management (Print). v. 11, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 10557148, 2011.
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12.   Machado, D. Z. ; Malucelli, A. ; Carvalho, D. R. ; BARTOSZECK, A.. Desenvolvimento da Imagem Corporal Interna por meio da Perspectiva de Amann-Gainotti. Boletim de Psicologia. v. LXI, p. 233-248, issn: 00065943, 2011.
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13.   Mattei, F. D. ; Toniolo, R.M. M. ; Malucelli, A. ; Cubas, M. R. ; Garcia, T. R.. Uma Visão da Produção Científica Internacional sobre a Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem. Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (UFRGS. Impresso). v. 32, p. 823-831, issn: 01026933, 2011.
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14.   Monteiro, Tânia L. ; Pellenz, Marcelo E. ; Penna, Manoel C. ; Enembreck, Fabrício ; Souza, Richard Demo ; Pujolle, Guy. Channel allocation algorithms for WLANs using distributed optimization. AEU. International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Print). p. 1-10, issn: 14348411, 2011.
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15.   OLIVEIRA, Luiz E. S. ; Koerich, A.L. ; M. Mansano ; Britto Jr., A. S.. 2D Principal Component Analysis for Face and Facial-Expression Recognition. Computing in Science & Engineering (Print). v. 13, p. 9-13, issn: 15219615, 2011.
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16.   OLIVEIRA, Luiz Eduardo Soares ; KOERICH, Alessandro ; Mansano, M. ; BRITTO JR, A. S.. Selecting 2DPCA Coefficients for Face and Facial Expression Recognition. Computing in Science & Engineering (Print). v. 13, p. 9-13, issn: 15219615, 2011.
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17.   PARAISO, E. C.; MALUCELLI, A.. Ontologies Supporting Intelliget Agent-Based Assistance. Computing and Informatics. v. 30, p. 829-855, issn: 13359150, 2011.
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18.   PELLENZ, M. E.; SOUZA, Richard Demo. A Conceptually Simple Framework for Simulating Hierarchical MPEG Video Traffic. AEU. International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Print). v. 65, p. 296-304, issn: 14348411, 2011.
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19.   RAMOS, M. P. ; TACLA, C. A. ; SATO, G. ; PARAISO, E. C. ; BARTHES, J.. CSCW in Software Development: Collaboration among Humans and Artificial Agents through Dialogs. International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications. v. 2, p. 31-46, issn: 20939655, 2011.
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20.   RIBEIRO, Richardson ; BORGES, A. P. ; RONSZCKA, A. F. ; ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho ; SCALABRIN, Edson Emílio ; Enembreck, Fabrício. Combinando Modelos de Interação para Melhorar a Coordenação em Sistemas Multiagente. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada (Impresso). v. 18, p. 133-157, issn: 21752745, 2011.
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21.   RIBEIRO, Richardson ; Enembreck, Fabrício. Estratégias de Atualização de Políticas para a Coordenação de Agentes Baseados em Enxames. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada: RITA. v. 17, p. 364-388, issn: 21752745, 2011.
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22.   RIOS, Israel ; BRITTO JR, A. S. ; KOERICH, Alessandro ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Eduardo Soares. An OCR Free Method for Word Spotting in Printed Documents: The Evaluation of Different Feature Sets. Journal of Universal Computer Science (Print). v. 17, p. 48-63, issn: 0948695X, 2011.
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23.   Schenekenberg, C. N. M. ; Malucelli, A. ; Cubas, M. R. ; Dias, J.. Redes bayesianas para eleição da ventilação mecânica no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. Fisioterapia em Movimento (PUCPR. Impresso). v. 24, p. 481-492, issn: 01035150, 2011.
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24.   Teigão, Rafael ; Maziero, Carlos ; SANTIN, Altair. Applying a usage control model in an operating system kernel. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. v. 34, p. 1342-1352, issn: 10848045, 2011.
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25.   VILLAMAYOR-ENIALBO, WALDEMAR ; JUSTINO, EDSON J. R. ; FACON, Jacques ; LEGAL-YALA, HORACIO. A PARTIAL MATCHING FRAMEWORK BASED ON SET EXCLUSION CRITERIA. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. v. 1, p. 1-20, issn: 02180014, 2011.
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26.   Yokoyama, C.S. ; Malucelli, A. ; Moro, C. ; Hirano, L. R. ; Nohama, P. Proposta de Sistema de Informação para Atenção Farmacêutica baseado no Método Dáder. Revista de Ciências Farmacêuticas Básica e Aplicada. v. 31, p. 19-26, issn: 18084532, 2011.
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1.   Botêlho, Vanderson ; Enembreck, Fabrício ; Ávila, Bráulio ; de Azevedo, Hilton ; Scalabrin, Edson. Using asymmetric keys in a certified trust model for multiagent systems. Expert Systems with Applications. p. 1-10, issn: 09574174, 2010.
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2.   Cubas, Marcia Regina ; Denipote, Adelita Gonzalez Martinez ; Malucelli, Andreia ; Nóbrega, Maria Miriam Lima da. The ISO 18.104: 2003 as Integrative Model of Nursing Terminologies. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem (USP. Ribeirão Preto. Impresso). v. 18, p. 669-674, issn: 01041169, 2010.
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3.   GONCALVES, D. B. ; SOARES, Luiz e de O ; JUSTINO, E. J. R. ; SABOURIN, Robert. Reducing Forgeries in Writer-Independent Off-Line Signature Verification Through Ensemble of Classifiers. Pattern Recognition. v. 43, p. 387-396, issn: 00313203, 2010.
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4.   Hanusiak, Regiane K. ; JUSTINO, E. J. R. ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz e S de ; SABOURIN, Robert. Identificação da Autoria de Manuscritos com Base em Atributos Genéticos e Genéricos da Escrita. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada (Impresso). v. 17, p. 193-209, issn: 01034308, 2010.
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5.   LIDY, T. ; SILLA JR, C. N. ; CORNELIS, O. ; Cornelis, Olmo ; GOUYON, F. ; RAUBER, A. ; KAESTNER, C. A. A. ; KOERICH, A. L.. On the Suitability of State-of-the-Art Music Information Retrieval Methods for Analyzing, Categorizing and Accessing Non-Western and Ethnic Music Collections. Signal Processing (Print). v. 90, p. 1032-1048, issn: 01651684, 2010.
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6.   LIMA JUNIOR, Luiz Augusto de Paula; CALSAVARA, Alcides. Autonomic Application-Level Message Delivery Using Virtual Magnetic Fields. Journal of Network and Systems Management. v. 18, p. 97-116, issn: 10647570, 2010.
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7.   MALUCELLI, A. ; STEIN JUNIOR, A. V. ; BASTOS, L. C. ; CARVALHO, D. R. ; CUBAS, M. R. ; PARAISO, E. C.. Classificação de Microáreas de Risco com uso de Mineração de Dados. Revista de Saúde Pública (USP. Impresso). v. 44, p. 292-300, issn: 00348910, 2010.
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8.   Malucelli, A.; Stein, A. V. ; BASTOS, L. ; Carvalho, D. R. ; Cubas, M. R. ; Paraiso, E.. Classificação de Microáreas Homogêneas de Risco com Uso de Mineração de Dados. Revista de Saúde Pública. Revista de Saúde Pública (USP. Impresso). v. 44, p. 292-300, issn: 00348910, 2010.
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9.   Malucelli, Andreia; Otemaier, Kelly Rafaela ; Bonnet, Marcel ; Cubas, Marcia Regina ; Garcia, Telma Ribeiro. Sistema de informação para apoio à Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Impresso). v. 63, p. 629-636, issn: 00347167, 2010.
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10.   PELLENZ, M. E.; SOUZA, Richard Demo ; Fonseca, Mauro Sergio Pereira. Error control coding in wireless sensor networks. Telecommunications Systems. v. 44, p. 61-68, issn: 10184864, 2010.
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11.   Pereira, R. C. ; SOUZA, Richard Demo ; PELLENZ, M. E.. Overlay Cognitive Radio in Wireless Mesh Networks. Wireless Personal Communications. v. 55, p. 237-251, issn: 09296212, 2010.
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12.   SOUZA, Richard Demo ; PELLENZ, M. E. ; Pereira, Zaqueu Cabral. On unequal error protection for LZSS compressed data. Annales des Télécommunications. v. 65, p. 285-292, issn: 00034347, 2010.
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13.   SOUZA, Richard Demo ; Uchôa, André Gustavo Degraf ; PELLENZ, M. E.. A novel hybrid ARQ scheme using turbo codes and diversity combining. AEU. International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Print). v. 64, p. 1078-1081, issn: 14348411, 2010.
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14.   TACLA, C. A. ; FREDDO, A. ; PARAISO, E. C. ; RAMOS, M. P. ; SATO, G.. Supporting small teams in cooperatively building application domain models. Expert Systems with Applications. v. 38, p. 1160-1170, issn: 09574174, 2010.
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15.   Uchôa, André Gustavo Degraf ; SOUZA, Richard Demo ; PELLENZ, M. E.. Hybrid ARQ with Partial Retransmissions and LDPC codes and its Impact on TCP. Revista IEEE América Latina. v. 8, p. 417-424, issn: 15480992, 2010.
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16.   Vianna, Rossana Cristina Xavier Ferreira ; Moro, Claudia Maria Cabral de Barra ; Moysés, Samuel Jorge ; Carvalho, Deborah ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar ; CARVALHO, D. R.. Mineração de dados e características da mortalidade infantil. Cadernos de Saúde Pública (ENSP. Impresso). v. 26, p. 535-542, issn: 0102311X, 2010.
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1.   ALMEIDA, C. ; FREITAS, C. O. A.. A Admissibilidade da Animação Forense como Meio de Prova no Poder Judiciário. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais. v. 78, p. 136-162, issn: 14155400, 2009.
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2.   BERGAMINI, Cheila Maria ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz E. S. ; KOERICH, A. L. ; SABOURIN, R.. Combining different biometric traits with one-class classification. Signal Processing (Print). v. 89, p. 2117-2127, issn: 01651684, 2009.
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3.   CAVALIN, Paulo ; SABOURIN, Robert ; BRITTO JR, A. S.. Evaluation of incremental learning algorithms for HMM in the recognition of alphanumeric characters. Pattern Recognition. v. 42, p. 3241-3253, issn: 00313203, 2009.
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4.   EFING, A. C. ; FREITAS, C. O. A.. Sociedade de Informação: O Direito à Inclusão Digital. Revista Direito Empresarial (Curitiba). v. 12, p. 87-103, issn: 1806910X, 2009.
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5.   ENEMBRECK, F.; TACLA, Cesar Augusto ; BARTHES, Jean Paul Andre. LEARNING NEGOTIATION POLICIES USING ENSEMBLE-BASED DRIFT DETECTION TECHNIQUES. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. v. 18, p. 173-196, issn: 02182130, 2009.
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6.   ERBANO, T. ; FREITAS, C. O. A.. Tecnologia e Meio Ambiente na Orientação das Atividades Econômicas na Sociedade de Consumo. Revista Direito Empresarial (Curitiba). v. 11, p. 99-114, issn: 1806910X, 2009.
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9.   JORDAN, Monica ; NOHAMA, Percy ; BRITTO JR, A. S.. Software livre de produção textual com predição de palavras: um aliado do aluno especial. Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial. v. 15, p. 389-406, issn: 14136538, 2009.
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10.   KLEINSCHMIDT, João Henrique ; BORELLI, Walter C ; PELLENZ, M. E.. An energy efficiency model for adaptive and custom error control schemes in Bluetooth sensor networks. AEÜ. International Journal of Electronics and Communications. v. 63, p. 188-199, issn: 14348411, 2009.
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11.   KO, Albert ; SABOURIN, Robert ; BRITTO JR, A. S.. Ensemble of HMM classifiers based on the clustering validity index for a handwritten numeral recognizer. Pattern Analysis and Applications. v. 12, p. 21-35, issn: 1433755X, 2009.
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12.   KO, Albert ; SABOURIN, Robert ; BRITTO JR, A. S.. Leave-One-Out-Training and Leave-One-Out-Testing Hidden Markov Models for a Handwritten Numeral Recognizer: the Implication of Single Classifier and Multiple Classifications. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. v. 31, p. 2168-2178, issn: 01628828, 2009.
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13.   KO, Albert ; SABOURIN, Robert ; BRITTO JR, A. S.. COMPOUND DIVERSITY FUNCTIONS FOR ENSEMBLE SELECTION. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. v. 23, p. 659-686, issn: 02180014, 2009.
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14.   PARAISO, E. C.; TACLA, C. A.. Using Embodied Conversational Assistants to Interface Users with Multi-Agent Based CSCW Applications: The WebAnima Agent. Journal of Universal Computer Science (Print). v. 15, p. 1991-2010, issn: 0948695X, 2009.
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15.   Pereira, R. C. ; SOUZA, Richard Demo ; PELLENZ, M. E.. Multiple Concurrent Transmissions in Wireless Mesh Networks Employing Superposition and Dirty Paper Coding. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. v. 58, p. 5115-5123, issn: 00189545, 2009.
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16.   Rosso, M. ; SILVA, Sandra Honorato da ; SCALABRIN, E. E.. SISTEMA BASEADO EM CONHECIMENTO PARA APOIO À IDENTIFICAÇÃO DOS FOCOS DO PROCESSO CORPORAL DA CIPE®. Texto & Contexto Enfermagem (UFSC. Impresso). v. 18, p. 523-531, issn: 01040707, 2009.
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17.   SILLA JR, C. N. ; KOERICH, A. L. ; KAESTNER, C. A. A.. A FEATURE SELECTION APPROACH FOR AUTOMATIC MUSIC GENRE CLASSIFICATION. International Journal of Semantic Computing. v. 03, p. 183, issn: 1793351X, 2009.
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19.   SOUZA, Richard Demo ; PELLENZ, M. E. ; Tamara Rodrigues. Hybrid ARQ Scheme Based on Recursive Convolutional Codes and Turbo Decoding. IEEE Transactions on Communications. v. 57, p. 315-318, issn: 00906778, 2009.
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20.   Stein, A. V. ; Malucelli, A. ; BASTOS, L.. Especificação de sistema de informação de microáreas de risco utilizando a abordagem orientada a objetos. Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem. v. 11, p. 866-876, issn: 15181944, 2009.
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2.   HANA, Ricardo Oliveira ; FREITAS, C. O. A. ; OLIVEIRA, Luis Eduardo Soares de ; BORTOLOZZI, Flávio. Crime Scene Representation (2D, 3D, Stereoscopic Projection) and Classification. Journal of Universal Computer Science (Print). v. 14, p. 2953-2966, issn: 0948695X, 2008.
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3.   ENEMBRECK, F.; Moro Senko, Luiz Gustavo ; Scalabrin, Edson Emilio ; Coelho Avila, Braulio. A method for Handling Inconsistencies in Rule-based Classifiers. Revista IEEE América Latina. v. 6, p. 89-96, issn: 15480992, 2008.
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6.   KALVA, P. R. ; ENEMBRECK, F. ; KOERICH, A. L.. WEB Image Classification Using Combination of Classifiers. Revista IEEE América Latina. v. 6, p. 661-671, issn: 15480992, 2008.
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7.   KALVA, Pedro Rodolfo ; Enembreck, Fabricio ; KOERICH, Alessandro Lameiras. WEB Image Classification using Classifier Combination. IEEE Latin America Transactions. v. 6, p. 661-671, issn: 15480992, 2008.
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8.   KO, Albert ; SABOURIN, Robert ; BRITTO JR, A. S.. From Dynamic Classifier Selection to Dynamic Ensemble Selection. Pattern Recognition. v. 41, p. 1718-1731, issn: 00313203, 2008.
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9.   NEVES, Luis Antonio ; CARVALHO, João Marques de ; FACON, J. ; BORTOLOZZI, Flávio. Table-form Extraction with Artefact Removal. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. v. 14, p. 252-265, issn: 0948695X, 2008.
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10.   OLIVEIVA, Luiz Eduardo Soares ; CAVALIN, Paulo ; BRITTO JR, A. S. ; KOERICH, Alessandro. Inspeção Automática de Defeitos em Madeiras de Pinus usando Visão Computacional. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada (Impresso). v. 15, p. 204-217, issn: 01034308, 2008.
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11.   FREITAS, C. O. A.; OLIVEIRA, Luis Eduardo Soares de ; AIRES, Simone ; BORTOLOZZI, Flávio. Metaclasses and Zoning Mechanism Applied to Handwriting Recognition. Journal of Universal Computer Science. v. 14, p. 211-223, issn: 0948695X, 2008.
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12.   Oliveira L.S ; JUSTINO, E. J. R. ; SABOURIN, Robert ; BORTOLOZZI, Flávio. Combining Classifiers in the ROC space for off-line signature verification. Journal of Universal Computer Science (Print). v. 14, p. 237-251, issn: 0948695X, 2008.
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13.   VELLASQUES, Eduardo ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Eduardo Soares ; BRITTO JR, A. S. ; KOERICH, Alessandro ; SABOURIN, Robert. Filtering Segmentation Cuts for Digit String Recognition. Pattern Recognition. v. 40, p. 3044-3053, issn: 00313203, 2008.
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14.   OLIVEIRA, Leonardo ; Maziero, C. A.. A trust model for e-mail servers. CLEI Electronic Journal. v. 11, p. 1-11, issn: 07175000, 2008.
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15.   PAVELEC, Daniel F ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz e S de ; JUSTINO, E. J. R. ; BATISTA, Leonardo Vidal. Using Conjunctions and Adverbs for Author Verification. Journal of Universal Computer Science (Print). v. 14, p. 2967-2981, issn: 0948695X, 2008.
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16.   Pimentel, Cecilio ; Demo Souza, Richard ; Uchôa-Filho, Bartolomeu F. ; PELLENZ, M. E.. Generalized Punctured Convolutional Codes with Unequal Error Protection. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. v. 2008, p. 1-7, issn: 16876172, 2008.
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17.   RIBEIRO, R. ; BORGES, A. P. ; ULBRICHT, G. ; KOERICH, A. L. ; SCALABRIN, E. E. ; ENEMBRECK, Fabrício. Discovering of Action Policies in Dynamic Environments. Agora (UNC). v. 15, p. 175-185, issn: 01047507, 2008.
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18.   Santin, Altair O.; Costa, Regivaldo G. ; Maziero, Carlos A.. A Three-Ballot-Based Secure Electronic Voting System. IEEE Security & Privacy. v. 6, p. 14-21, issn: 15407993, 2008.
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19.   Senko L. G. M. ; AVILA, Braulio Coelho ; SCALABRIN, E. E. ; ENEMBRECK, Fabrício. Um Método para Tratar Inconsistências em Classificadores à base de Regras. Revista IEEE América Latina. v. 6, p. 1/11-8, issn: 15480992, 2008.
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20.   SILLA JR, C. N. ; KOERICH, A. L. ; KAESTNER, C. A. A.. A Machine Learning Approach to Automatic Music Classification. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Impresso). v. 14, p. 7-18, issn: 01046500, 2008.
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21.   SOUZA, Richard Demo ; REBELATTO, João Luiz ; PELLENZ, M. E. ; RESENDE, L. S.. Split-ST-OFDM: Using split processing to improve the performance of space-time OFDM over digital TV channels. Computers & Electrical Engineering. v. 34, p. 1-11, issn: 00457906, 2008.
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1.   A. Munaretto ; FONSECA, M. Routing and quality of service support for mobile ad hoc networks. Computer Networks. v. 51, p. 3142-3156, issn: 13891286, 2007.
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2.   ALBUQUERQUE E. C. ; SCALABRIN, E. E.. O USO DO COMPUTADOR EM PROGRAMAS DE REABILITAÇÃO NEROPSICOLÓGICA. Psicologia Argumento. v. 50, p. 10-15, issn: 01037013, 2007.
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3.   CORREIA, Miguel Pupo ; NEVES, Nuno Ferreira ; LUNG, Lau Cheuk ; VERÍSSIMO, Paulo. Worm-IT - A Wormhole-based Intrusion-Tolerant Group Communication System. The Journal of Systems and Software. v. 80, p. 178-197, issn: 01641212, 2007.
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4.   ENEMBRECK, F.; RIBEIRO, Richardson ; KOERICH, Alessandro Lameiras. Reinforcement Learning: adaptive agents for discovery of policies of action. Ágora (Caçador). v. 14, p. 09-24, issn: 01047507, 2007.
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5.   ENEMBRECK, F.; WOJCIECHOWSKI, Jaime ; ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho ; SCALABRIN, Edson Emílio ; DIAS, João da Silva. Uma Metodologia para Avaliação Computacional do Nível de Compreensão de Textos. RESI. Revista Eletrônica de Sistemas de Informação. v. 1, p. 1-8, issn: 16773071, 2007.
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6.   ENEMBRECK, F.; ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho ; SCALABRIN, Edson Emílio ; BARTHES, Jean Paul Andre. LEARNING DRIFTING NEGOTIATIONS. APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. v. 21, p. 861-881, issn: 08839514, 2007.
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7.   Enembreck, Fabricio; Barthes, Jean Paul. Multi-agent based internet search. International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management (Print). v. 2, p. 135-156, issn: 17435110, 2007.
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8.   FACON, J.; Menotti, David ; Najman, Laurent ; A. Araujo, Arnaldo. Multi-Histogram Equalization Methods for Contrast Enhancement and Brightness Preserving. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS. v. 53, p. 1186-1194, issn: 00983063, 2007.
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9.   FREITAS, C. O. A.; OLIVEIRA, Luis Eduardo Soares de ; BORTOLOZZI, Flávio ; AIRES, Simone. Handwritten Character Recognition Using Non-Symmetrical Perceptual Zoning. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. v. 21, p. 135-155, issn: 02180014, 2007.
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10.   FREITAS, C. O. A.; JUSTINO, Edson ; OLIVEIRA, Luis Eduardo Soares de. Reconhecimento de firmas por semelhança no Brasil. Âmbito Jurídico. v. 40, p. 01-07, issn: 15180360, 2007.
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11.   FREITAS, C. O. A.; KAPP, Marcelo ; SABOURIN, Robert. Methodology for the Design of NN-based Month-Word Recognizers Written on Brazilian Bank Checks. Image and Vision Computing. v. 25, p. 40-49, issn: 02628856, 2007.
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12.   FREITAS, C. O. A.; VOLPI NETO, A.. Técnicas forenses nos crimes de falsidade documental: Assinatura realizada por robô?. Âmbito Jurídico. v. 40, p. 1-22, issn: 15180360, 2007.
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13.   GRANGER, E. ; HENNIGES, P. ; SABOURIN, R. ; OLIVEIRA, L.S.. Supervised Learning of Fuzzy ARTMAP Neural Networks Through Particle Swarm Optimisation. Journal of pattern recognition research. v. 2, p. 27-60, issn: 1558884X, 2007.
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14.   Hochuli, A. G. ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz E. S. ; Britto Jr., A. S. ; Koerich, A.L.. Detection and Classification of Human Movements in Video Scenes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 4872, p. 678-691, issn: 03029743, 2007.
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15.   JUSTINO, E. ; OLIVEIRA, L.S.. Protocolo para execução de mandato de busca e apreensão em cenários de crimes digitais. Âmbito Jurídico. v. 35, p. 1-7, issn: 15180360, 2007.
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16.   KO, Albert ; SABOURIN, Robert ; BRITTO JR, A. S. ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Eduardo Soares. Pairwise Fusion Matrix for Combining Classifiers. Pattern Recognition. v. 40, p. 2198-2210, issn: 00313203, 2007.
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17.   LAUREANO, Marcos ; MAZIERO, Carlos Alberto ; JAMHOUR, E.. Protecting Host-Based Intrusion Detectors through Virtual Machines. Computer Networks (1999). v. 51, p. 1275-1283, issn: 13891286, 2007.
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18.   PAVELEC, Daniel F ; JUSTINO, E. J. R. ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz e S de. Author Identification using Stylometric Features. Inteligencia Artificial. v. 11, p. 59-65, issn: 11373601, 2007.
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19.   STEINER, Maria Teresinha Arns ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar ; SOMA, Nei Yoshihiro ; SHIMIZU, Tamio ; STEINER NETO, Pedro José. Extração de regras de classificação a partir de redes neurais para auxílio à tomada de decisão na concessão de crédito bancário. Pesquisa Operacional. v. 27, p. 407-426, issn: 01017438, 2007.
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20.   SUNAGA, D. Y. ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar ; Ramos, M.P.. Statistical and Biological Validation Methods in Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression. IEEE Computer Society. v. 1, p. 494-499, issn: 10863702, 2007.
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21.   VALLE Jr, J. D. ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz E. S. ; Koerich, A.L. ; Britto Jr., A. S.. People Counting in Low Density Video Sequences. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 4872, p. 737-748, issn: 03029743, 2007.
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22.   Z. C. Pereira ; PELLENZ, M. E. ; SOUZA, Richard Demo ; SIQUEIRA, Marcos Alexandre Araújo. Unequal error protection for LZSS compressed data using Reed-Solomon codes. IET Communications. v. 1, p. 612-617, issn: 17518628, 2007.
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1.   Borsato G. G. ; SCALABRIN, E. E. ; DIAS, João da Silva ; ENEMBRECK, Fabricio. Recuperação de Informação em Situações de Urgência-Emergência no Atendimento Pré-Hospitalar. RESI. Revista Eletrônica de Sistemas de Informação. v. 9, p. 1-10, issn: 16773071, 2006.
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2.   BORUSCH, Daniel ; LUNG, Lau Cheuk ; BESSANI, Alysson Neves ; FRAGA, Joni da Silva. Integração das Especificações ROMIOP e ETF para Difusão Atômica no CORBA. REIC. Revista Eletrônica de Iniciação Científica. v. IV, p. 1-15, issn: 15198219, 2006.
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3.   CALSAVARA, A.; BORGES, Aron ; NUNES, Leonardo ; VARIANI, Diogo ; KOLB, Carlos. An Object Model for Interoperable Systems. Journal Of Universal Computer Science. v. 12, n. 7, p. 885-902, 2006.
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4.   FREITAS, C. O. A.; JUSTINO, Edson. Técnicas forenses nos crimes de falsidade documental: documentoscopia em xerocópias. Âmbito Jurídico. v. 31, p. 1654, issn: 15180360, 2006.
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5.   JUSTINO, E. J. R.; FREITAS, Cinthia Obladen de A. ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz e S de. Técnicas forenses nos crimes de falsidade documental: perícias para determinação da contemporaneidade de tintas de caneta. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais. v. 14, n. 59, p. 325-345, issn: 14155400, 2006.
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6.   JUSTINO, E. J. R.; FREITAS, Cinthia Obladen de A. ; OLIVEIRA, Luiz e S de. Reconstructing Shredded Documents Through Feature Matching. Forensic Science International. v. 160, p. 140-147, issn: 03790738, 2006.
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7.   JUSTINO, E. J. R.; SOARES, Luiz e de O. Protocolo para execução de mandato de busca e apreensão em cenários de crimes digitais. Âmbito Jurídico. v. 35, p. 1517, issn: 15180360, 2006.
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8.   KAUCHAKJE, Samira ; PENNA NETO, M. C. O. ; FREY, Klaus ; DUATE, F.. Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales. REDES. Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales. v. Vol.11, p. 1-26, issn: 15790185, 2006.
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9.   OLIVEIRA, L.S.; MORITA, M. ; SABOURIN, R.. Feature Selection for Ensembles Applied to Handwriting Recognition. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (Print). v. 18, n. 4, p. 262-279, issn: 14332833, 2006.
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10.   PARAISO, E. C.; BARTHES, J.. An Intelligent Speech Interface for Personal Systems in R. Expert Systems with Applications. v. 31, p. 673-683, issn: 09574174, 2006.
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11.   RIBEIRO, R. ; ENEMBRECK, F. ; Koerich, A.L.. A Hybrid Learning Strategy for Discovery of Policies of Action. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 4140, p. 268-277, issn: 03029743, 2006.
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12.   SILLA JR, Carlos N. ; KOERICH, Alessandro Lameiras ; KAESTNER, Celso A. A.. Time-Space Ensemble Strategies for Automatic Music Genre Classification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 4140, p. 339-348, issn: 03029743, 2006.
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13.   STEINER, Maria Teresinha Arns ; SOMA, Nei Yoshihiro ; SHIMIZU, Tamio ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar ; STEINER NETO, Pedro José. The Influence of Multivariate Data Analysis on the KDD Process: An Application to Medical Diagnosis. International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management. v. 12, p. 73-83, issn: 10821910, 2006.
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14.   STEINER, Maria Teresinha Arns ; SOMA, Nei Yoshihiro ; SHIMIZU, Tamio ; Nievola, Júlio Cesar ; STEINER NETO, Pedro José. Abordagem de um problema médico por meio do processo de KDD com ênfase à análise exploratória dos dados. Gestão e Produção (UFSCar). v. 13, p. 325-337, issn: 0104530X, 2006.
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15.   STEINER, Maria Teresinha Arns ; STEINER NETO, Pedro José ; SOMA, Nei Yoshihiro ; SHIMIZU, Tamio ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar. Using Neural Networks Rule Extraction for Credit-Risk Evaluation. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. v. 6, n. 5, p. 6-16, issn: 17387906, 2006.
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16.   STRUNK, Jan ; SILLA JR, Carlos N. ; KAESTNER, Celso A. A.. A Comparative Evaluation of a New Unsupervised Sentence Boundary Detection Approach on Documents in English and Portuguese. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 3878, p. 132-143, issn: 03029743, 2006.
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1.   ABUJAMRA, Maura Eloiza Boros ; BORTOLOZZI, F.. As Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação na Formação de Professores de Matemática. Revista Educação em Movimento. v. IV, n. 11, p. 69-76, issn: 16769430, 2005.
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2.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; GRENSKI, Waldemiro. Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação Brasileira - Assimetrias. RBPG. Revista Brasileira de Pós-Graduação. v. 1, n. 2, p. 35-52, issn: 18068405, 2005.
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3.   CORREIA, Miguel Pupo ; NEVES, Nuno Ferreira ; LUNG, Lau Cheuk ; VERÍSSIMO, Paulo. Low Complexity Byzantine-Resilient Consensus. Distributed Computing. v. 17, n. 3, p. 237-249, issn: 01782770, 2005.
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4.   ELEUTÉRIO, Marco Antonio ; BORTOLOZZI, F.. Virtual Environment for Supporting Argumentation-based Learning. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada. v. 1, n. 1, p. 1-1, issn: 01034308, 2005.
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5.   Enembreck, Fabr?cio ; Brath?s, Jean-Paul ; Enembreck, Fabricio. ELA?A new Approach for Learning Agents. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. v. 10, n. 3, p. 215-248, issn: 13872532, 2005.
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6.   JUSTINO, E. J. R.; FREITAS, Cinthia Obladen de A. ; SOARES, Luiz e de O. Documentoscopia em Documentos Questionados Degradados. Âmbito Jurídico. v. 22, n. 22, p. 01-10, issn: 15180360, 2005.
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7.   JUSTINO, E. J. R.; BORTOLOZZI, Flávio ; SABOURIN, Robert. A Comparison of SVM and HMM Classifiers in the Off-Line Signature Verification. Pattern Recognition Letters. v. 26, n. 9, p. 1377-1385, issn: 01678655, 2005.
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8.   Koerich, A.L.; SABOURIN, R. ; Suen, C.Y.. Recognition and verification of unconstrained handwritten words. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. v. 27, n. 10, p. 1509-1522, issn: 01628828, 2005.
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9.   LEMOS, Eliane Przepiorski ; STEINER, Maria Teresinha Arns ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar. Análise de Crédito Bancário por Meio de Redes Neurais e Árvores de Decisão: Uma Aplicação Simples de Data Mining. RAUSP. Revista de Administração. v. 40, n. 3, p. 225-234, issn: 00802107, 2005.
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10.   MORITA, M. ; OLIVEIRA, L.S. ; SABOURIN, R.. Geração Automática de Conjuntos de Classificadores Através da Seleção de Características não Supervisionada,. Revista IEEE América Latina. v. 3, n. 5, p. 50-56, issn: 15480992, 2005.
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11.   NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar; BORGES, Helyane Bronoski. Attribute Selection Methods Comparison for Classification of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. Enformatika. v. 8, n. 1, p. 193-197, issn: 13055313, 2005.
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12.   PARAISO, E. C.; BARTHES, J.. An Intelligent Speech Interface for Personal Assistants Applied to Knowledge Management. Web intelligence and agent systems. v. 3, n. 4, p. 217-230, issn: 15701263, 2005.
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13.   WANGHAM, Michelle ; FRAGA, Joni da Silva ; RABELO, Ricardo José ; LUNG, Lau Cheuk. Secure Mobile Agent System and its Application in the Trust Building Process of Virtual Enterprises. Multiagent and Grid Systems, IOS Press. Multiagent and Grid Systems. v. 1, n. 3, p. 147-168, issn: 15741702, 2005.
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1.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; BRITTO JR., Alceu de Souza ; SABOURIN, Robert ; SUEN, Ching Y. The Recognition of Handwritten Numeral String Using a Two-Stage HMM-based Method. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition. v. 5, n. 2-3, p. 102-117, issn: 14332833, 2004.
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2.   ELEUTERIO, Marco Antonio M ; BORTOLOZZI, F.. AMANDA: An ITS for Mediating Asynchronous Group Discussions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 1, n. 1, p. 1-2, issn: 03029743, 2004.
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3.   ELEUTÉRIO, Marco Antonio ; BORTOLOZZI, F.. AMANDA : An Intelligent System for Mediating Threaded Discussions. International Journal on E-Learning. v. 3, n. 3, p. 13-20, issn: 15372456, 2004.
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4.   ENEMBRECK, F.; BARTHES, Jean Paul Andre. MAIS - Un système multi-agents pour la recherche d'information sur web. Document Numérique (Paris). v. 8, n. 3, p. 83-106, issn: 12795127, 2004.
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5.   FONSECA, M.; N. Agoulmine ; Y. M. G. Doudane ; N. Achir ; G. Pujolle. Une nouvelle architecture de contrôle de réseaux DiffServ basée sur la technologie réseau actif et les politiques. Annales des Telecommunications. v. 59, n. 5-6, p. 565-589, issn: 00034347, 2004.
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6.   FREITAS, Cinthia Obladen de Almendra ; BORTOLOZZI, F. ; SABOURIN, Robert. Study of Perceptual Similarity betweem Different Lexicons. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. v. 17, n. 7, p. 1321-1338, issn: 02180014, 2004.
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7.   FREITAS, Cinthia Obladen de Almendra ; BORTOLOZZI, F. ; SABOURIN, Robert. A Strategy for Selecting Classes of Symbols from Classes of Graphemes in HMM-Based Handwritten Word Recognition. RESI. Revista Eletrônica de Sistemas de Informação. v. III, n. III, p. 17-24, issn: 16773071, 2004.
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8.   JUSTINO, Edson José Rodrigues ; BORTOLOZZI, F. ; SABOURIN, Robert. A Comparison of SVM and HMM Classifiers in the Off-Line Signature Verification. Pattern Recognition Letters. v. 1, n. 1, p. 1377-1385, issn: 01678655, 2004.
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9.   Koerich, A.L. Reconhecimento de Palavras Manuscritas usando Modelos de Markov. Revista IEEE América Latina. v. 2, p. 132-141, issn: 15480992, 2004.
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10.   LASCA, V. B. ; BORGES, D. L.. Múltiplas representações para reconhecimento de faces: integrando fotos níveis de cinza e desenhos. Revista Visão Crítica. v. 1, n. 1, p. 49-62, issn: 18075894, 2004.
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11.   MUNARETTO, A. ; FONSECA, M. ; K. Al Agha ; G. Pujolle. Fair Time Sharing Protocol: a Solution for IEEE 802.11b Hot Spots. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 3124, p. 1261-1266, issn: 03029743, 2004.
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12.   RINO, Lúcia H. M. ; PARDO, Thiago A S ; SILLA JR, Carlos N. ; KAESTNER, Celso A. A. ; POMBO, Michael. A Comparison of Automatic Summarizers of Texts in Brazilian Portuguese. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 3171, p. 235-244, issn: 03029743, 2004.
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13.   SCALABRIN, E. E.; AZEVEDO, Hilton José Silva de ; FARIA, Márcio de Paula ; MANFROI, Fairus. Implementing agents collaborative online learning environment. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (La Plata). v. 4, n. 2, p. 98-104, issn: 16666038, 2004.
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14.   SILLA JR, Carlos N. ; KAESTNER, Celso A. A.. An Analysis of Sentence Boundary Detection Systems for English and Portuguese Documents. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 2945, p. 135-141, issn: 03029743, 2004.
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15.   SILLA JR, Carlos N. ; PAPPA, Gisele Lobo ; FREITAS, Alex Alves ; KAESTNER, Celso A. A.. Automatic Text Summarization with Genetic Algorithm-Based Attribute Selection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 3315, p. 305-314, issn: 03029743, 2004.
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1.   ANIDO, Ricardo ; CAVALLI, Ana R ; LIMA JUNIOR, Luiz Augusto de Paula ; YEVTUSHENKO, Nina. Test Suite Minimization for Testing in Context. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability. v. 13, n. 3, p. 141-155, issn: 09600833, 2003.
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2.   BORGES, D. L. Editorial for SIBGRAPI 2001 Special Issue (Preface). Pattern Recognition Letters. v. 24, p. 935-936, issn: 01678655, 2003.
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3.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; MORITA, Marisa Emika ; SABOURIN, Robert ; SUEN, Ching Y. Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Dates : an HMM-MLP Hybrid Approach.. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition. v. 6, n. 4, p. 248-262, issn: 14332833, 2003.
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4.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; OLIVEIRA, Luis Eduardo S de ; SABOURIN, Robert ; SUEN, Ching Y. Impacts of Verification on a Numeral String Recognition System. Pattern Recognition Letters. v. 24, n. 7, p. 1023-1031, issn: 01678655, 2003.
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5.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; OLIVEIRA, Luis Eduardo Soares de ; SABOURIN, Robert ; SUEN, Ching Y. A Methodology for Feature Selection Using Multi­Objective Genetic Algorithms for Handwritten Word Recognition. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. v. 17, n. 6, p. 903-930, issn: 02180014, 2003.
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6.   BRITTO JR, A. S.; SABOURIN, Robert ; BORTOLOZZI, Flávio ; SUEN, Ching Y. The Recognition of Handwritten Numeral Strings Using a Two-stage HMM-based Method. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (Print). v. 5, p. 102-117, issn: 14332833, 2003.
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7.   ENEMBRECK, F.; BARTHES, Jean Paul Andre. Improving CSCW with Personnel Assistant Agents. Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science. v. 7, n. 2, p. 3-19, issn: 10920617, 2003.
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8.   ENEMBRECK, F.; BARTHES, Jean Paul Andre. Architecture d'un système de dialogue pour la coopération homme/SMA. TSI. Technique et Science Informatiques. v. 22, p. 77-82, issn: 07524072, 2003.
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9.   FERREIRA, Cristiane Bastos Rocha ; BORGES, D. L.. Analysis of Mammogram Classification using a Wavelet Transform Decomposition. Pattern Recognition Letters. v. 24, p. 973-982, issn: 01678655, 2003.
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10.   FONSECA, M.; N. Agoulmine. End to End IP QoS Assurance Using Policy Based Multi-Agents SLA Management Systems. Journal of Communication and Information Systems (Online). v. 18, p. 23-33, issn: 19806604, 2003.
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11.   JAMHOUR, Edgard ; STOROZ, Simone ; Maziero, Carlos. Global Mobile IPv6 Addressing using Transition Mechanisms. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Impresso). v. 8, n. 3, p. 44-57, issn: 01046500, 2003.
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12.   KOERICH, A. L.; SABOURIN, R. ; SUEN, C. Y.. Large Vocabulary Off-Line Handwriting Recognition: A Survey. Pattern Analysis and Applications. v. 6, n. 2, p. 97-121, issn: 14337541, 2003.
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13.   KOERICH, A. L.; SABOURIN, R. ; SUEN, C. Y.. Lexicon-Driven HMM Decoding for Large Vocabulary Handwriting Recognition with Multiple Character Models. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (Print). v. 6, n. 2, p. 126-144, issn: 14332833, 2003.
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14.   LIMA JUNIOR, Luiz Augusto de Paula; FERLINE, Odair Perianêz. Using Bluetooth Scatternets for Automatic Meter Reading: A Wireless Application in Telemetry System. WSEAS Transactions on Systems. v. 2, n. 1, p. 217-222, issn: 11092777, 2003.
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1.   BERTHOLDI, C. E. ; JAMHOUR, E.. Integração de arquiteturas e novas tecnologias aplicáveis ao gerenciamento da infra-estrutura de telecomunicações. Revista Rti Redes Telecom e Instalações. v. 2, n. setembro, 2002.
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2.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; MORITA, Marisa Emika ; SABOURIN, Robert ; SUEN, Ching Y. Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Dates. Pattern Analysis and Applications. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 14337541, 2002.
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3.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; OLIVEIRA, Luis Eduardo Soares de ; SABOURIN, Robert ; SUEN, Ching Y. Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Numerical Strings: A Recognition and Verification Strategy. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. v. 24, n. 11, p. 1438-1454, issn: 01628828, 2002.
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4.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; SANTOS, J. E. B. ; DUBUISSON, B.. Distinguishing between Handwritten and Machine Printed Text in Bank Check Images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 1, p. 58-61, issn: 03029743, 2002.
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5.   BRANDT, A. C. ; MACEDO, R. M. ; NOHAMA, P.. Um novo recurso de mecanoterapia visando manutenção de força muscular em membros superiores de pacientes paraplégicos. Revista Fioterapia em Movimento. v. 15, p. 1-15, 2002.
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6.   LAROCCA NETO, Joel ; FREITAS, Alex Alves ; KAESTNER, Celso A. A.. Automatic Text Summarization using a Machine Learning Approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 2507, p. 205-215, issn: 03029743, 2002.
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7.   PAPPA, Gisele Lobo ; FREITAS, Alex Alves ; KAESTNER, Celso A. A.. Attribute Selection with a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 2507, p. 280-290, issn: 03029743, 2002.
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8.   PELLENZ, M. E.; PORTUGHEIS, Jaime. On the Analysis of the Performance of Coded Modulation Schemes for Unequal Error Protection. IEEE Transactions on Communications. v. 50, n. 8, p. 1205-1208, issn: 00906778, 2002.
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9.   SELLA, V. R. G. ; NOHAMA, P. ; FARIA, R. A. ; SCHARF, C. A. ; WOLF, R.. Método de Avaliação da Hipotrofia Muscular por Desuso Empregando Eletromiografia de Superfície. Medicina de Reabilitação. v. 20, n. 60, p. 9-12, issn: 01035894, 2002.
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1.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; BENAHMED, N. ; SABOURIN, Robert ; SUEN, Ching Y. Feature Subset Selection Using Genetic Algoritms for Handwritten Digit Recognition. Brazilian Symposium On Computer Graphics And Image Processing. v. 1, n. 1, p. 362-371, issn: 15301834, 2001.
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2.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; BRITTO JR, Alceu de Souza ; SABOURIN, Robert ; SUEN, Ching Y. An Enhanced HMM Topology in an LBA Framework for the Recognition of Handwritten Numeral Strings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 1, n. 1, p. 105-114, issn: 03029743, 2001.
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3.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; OLIVEIRA, Luis Eduardo de ; SABOURIN, Robert ; SUEN, Ching Y. High-Level Verification of Handwritten Numeral Strings. Brazilian Symposium On Computer Graphics And Image Processing. v. 1, n. 1, p. 36-43, issn: 15301834, 2001.
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4.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; OLIVEIRA, Luis Eduardo Soares de ; SABOURIN, Robert ; SUEN, Ching Y. Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Numerical Strings. A Recognition and Verification Strategy. Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. 2001.
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5.   FACON, J.; BRITTO JÚNIOR, Alceu de Souza ; FREITAS, Cinthia Obladen de Almendra ; JUSTINO, Edson José Rodrigues ; BORGES, Díbio Leandro ; BORTOLOZZI, Flávio ; Sabourin, R.. Técnicas em Processamento e Análise de Documentos Manuscritos. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada (Impresso). v. VIII, n. 2, p. 47-68, issn: 01034308, 2001.
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6.   NOHAMA, P.; LINARTH, A. G. ; LIPPMANN JR., L. ; RIELLA, R. J.. VOXsis: Sistema Computadorizado de Auxílio à Fala para Deficientes Auditivos. Saber Eletrônica. v. 37, n. 341, p. 23-28, issn: 01016717, 2001.
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7.   NOHAMA, P.; WEHRLE, G. ; KALINOWSKI, H. J. ; TORRES, P. I. ; VALENTE, L. C. G.. A Fiber Optic Bragg Grating Sensor for Monitoring Ventilatory Movements. Measurement Science & Technology. v. 12, p. 805-809, issn: 09570233, 2001.
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8.   CARVALHO, D. W. ; SCALABRIN, E. E. ; SHMEIL, Marcos Augusto Hochuli. Comunicação e poder - um modo de ver as organizações. Revista de Estudos da Comunicação. v. 2, n. 3, p. 11-14, issn: 15189775, 2001.
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9.   VARDÂNEGA, Fernando ; Maziero, Carlos. A Generic Rollback Manager for Optimistic HLA Simulation. Society for Modeling and Simulation International. Transactions. v. 18, n. 2, p. 56-61, issn: 07406797, 2001.
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1.   BOJACZUK, C. C. ; LOPES, H. S. ; FREITAS, A. A.. Genetic Programming for knowledge discovery in chest pain diagnosis. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine. v. 19, n. 4, p. 38-44, issn: 07395175, 2000.
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2.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; FREITAS, C. O. A. ; FREITAS, C. O. A. ; SABOURIN, Robert. Brazilian Bank Check Handwritten Legal Amount Recognition. XIII Brazilian Symposium On Computer Graphics And Image Processing. v. 1, n. 1, p. 97-104, issn: 15301834, 2000.
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3.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; JUSTINO, E. ; FREITAS, C. O. A. ; SABOURIN, Robert. An Off-Line Signature Verification System Using Hidden Markov Model and Cross-Validation. XIII Brazilian Symposium On Computer Graphics And Image Processing. v. 1, n. 1, p. 105-112, issn: 15301834, 2000.
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4.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; MORITA, Marisa Emika ; LETHELIER, E. ; FREITAS, C. O. A. ; SABOURIN, Robert. Recognition on Handwritten Dates on Bankchecks Using an HMM Approach. XIII Brazilian Symposium On Computer Graphics And Image Processing. v. 1, n. 1, p. 113-122, issn: 15301834, 2000.
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5.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; OLIVEIRA, Luis Eduardo de ; LETHELIER, E. ; SABOURIN, Robert. Handwritten Digits Segmentation Based on Structural Approach. XIII Brazilian Symposium On Computer Graphics And Image Processing. v. 1, n. 1, p. 67-73, issn: 15301834, 2000.
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6.   BRITTO JR, A. S. ; SABOURIN, Robert ; LETHELIER, E. ; BORTOLOZZI, F. ; SUEN, C. Y.. The use of Contextual Information in Slant Normalization for Handwritten Numeral String Recognition.. Pattern Recognition Letters. issn: 01678655, 2000.
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7.   CARVALHO, D. W. ; SCALABRIN, E. E. ; SHMEIL, Marcos Augusto Hochuli. Administração de competências no âmbito das organizações. Revista de Estudos da Comunicação. v. 1, n. 2, p. 13-16, issn: 15189775, 2000.
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8.   N. Achir ; FONSECA, M. ; Y. M. G. Doudane ; N. Agoulmine ; A Mehaoua. Active Networking System Evaluation : A Practical Experience. Networking and Information Systems Journal. v. 3, n. 2/2000, p. 431-448, issn: 12902926, 2000.
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9.   NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar; KODA, C.. Planejamento da Trajetória em Sistemas Robóticos com Obstáculos para Sistemas Computacionais. Revista Acadêmica. Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais. v. XI, n. 1, p. 33-38, issn: 0103989X, 2000.
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10.   NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar; NOGOSEKI, F. M.. Estudo de Técnicas Automáticas de Reconhecimento da Fase REM do Sono em EEG (Eletroencefalograma). Revista Acadêmica. Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais. v. XI, n. 1, p. 29-31, issn: 0103989X, 2000.
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11.   SHMEIL, M. A. H.; CARVALHO, D. M. W. F. ; SCALABRIN, E. E.. Managing Competence in Human Organisation. Revista de Estudos da Comunicação. v. 1, n. 2, p. 13-16, issn: 15189775, 2000.
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12.   VINCENT, N. ; BOULETREAU, V. ; EMPTOZ, H. ; SABOURIN, R.. How to Use Fractal Dimensions to Qualify Writings and Writers. Fractals. v. 8, n. 1, p. 85-97, 2000.
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13.   W. Romão ; FREITAS, A. A. ; R.C.S. Pacheco. Uma revisão de abordagens genético-difusas para descoberta de conhecimento em bancos de dados. Acta Scientiarum (UEM). v. 22, n. 5, p. 1347-1359, issn: 14156814, 2000.
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1.   CARVALHO, Lucimar Maria Fossatti de ; KOEHLER, Cristiane ; KAESTNER, Celso Antonio Alves ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar. Um Sistema de Auxílio ao Diagnóstico Clínico das Crises Epilépticas Baseado em Conhecimentos e Orientado a Objetos. Revista Brasileira de Neurologia. v. 35, n. maio/junho, p. 41-47, issn: 01018469, 1999.
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2.   CARVALHO, Lucimar F. ; KAESTNER, Celso A. A. ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar. Sistema de Auxílio ao Diagnóstico Clínico das Crises Epilépticas. Revista Brasileira de Neurologia. v. 35, n. maio/junho, p. 41-47, issn: 01018469, 1999.
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3.   EL-YACOUBI, A.; GILLOUX, M. ; Sabourin, R. ; SUEN, C. Y.. An HMM-based Approach for Off-Line Handwritten Word Modeling and Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. v. 21, n. NO. 8, p. 752-760, issn: 01628828, 1999.
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4.   ElYACOUBI, A. ; GILLOUX, M. ; SABOURIN, R. ; SUEN, Ching Y. Unconstrained Handwritten Word Recognition using Hidden Markov Models. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. v. 21, n. 8, p. 752-760, issn: 01628828, 1999.
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5.   ENEMBRECK, F ; ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho ; ABE, J. M.. O Gerenciamento de Conhecimento Genérico em Sistemas de Frames Paraconsistentes. Coleção Documentos Série Lógica e Teoria da Ciência. n. 55, p. 1-81, 1999.
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6.   ENEMBRECK, F ; ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho ; SABOURIN, R.. Aprendizado Paraconsistente Baseado em Árvore de Decisão. Coleção Documentos Série Lógica e Teoria da Ciência. n. 61, p. 1-24, 1999.
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7.   ENEMBRECK, F ; ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho ; SABOURIN, R.. Verificação de Assinaturas Manuscritas: Uma Abordagem Paraconsistente. Coleção Documentos Série Lógica e Teoria da Ciência. n. 62, p. 1-24, 1999.
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8.   FREITAS, A. A. On Rule Interestingness Measures. Knowledge-Based Systems journal. v. 12, p. 309-315, 1999.
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9.   GARNÉS, S. J. A. ; Sampaio, R. J. B. de. Aplicação da regressão ortogonal na redefinição do alinhamento de logradouros públicos. Cartografia e Cadastro (Lisboa). v. 10, p. 75-81, issn: 0872959X, 1999.
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10.   LAVINGTON, S. ; DEWHURST, S. ; WILKINS, E. ; FREITAS, A. A.. Interfacing Knowledge Discovery Algorithms To Large Database Management Systems. Information & Software Technology journal. v. 41, p. 605-617, 1999.
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11.   NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar; CARVALHO, Lucimar Maria Fossatti de ; KOEHLER, Cristiane ; BATEZINI, Charles T ; BORGUETTI, Vinicius S ; GRAZZIOTIN, R Z. Um Sistema Baseado em Conhecimentos de Auxílio ao Diagnóstico Clínico das Crises Epilépticas. Revista Brasileira de Neurologia. v. 1, n. 35, p. 41-47, issn: 01018469, 1999.
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12.   Sampaio, R. J. B. de; YUAN, J. Y. ; SUN, Wenyu. Trust region methods with quasi-Newton update for nonsmooth least squares problems. Computational and Applied Mathematics. v. 105, n. 2-3, p. 183-194, issn: 00963006, 1999.
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13.   ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho; ABE, J. M.. Handling inconsistencies in logic programming. Coleção Documentos Série Lógica e Teoria da Ciência. n. 56, p. 1-26, 1999.
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14.   ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho; ABE, J. M.. Inconsistencies, Exceptions, and Frame Systems. Coleção Documentos Série Lógica e Teoria da Ciência. n. 57, p. 1-26, 1999.
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1.   BASTOS, Laudelino C. ; BORTOLOZZI, Flávio ; SABOURIN, Robert ; KAESTNER, Celso A. A.. Mathematical modelation of handwritten signatures by conics. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. v. 18, n. 1-2, p. 135-145, issn: 00378712, 1998.
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2.   CÂNDIDO, Marco Antônio Barbosa; KHATOR, S. K. ; BÁRCIA, R. M.. A Genetic Algorithm Based Procedure for More Realistic Job Shop Scheduling Problems. International Journal of Production Research. v. 36, n. 12, p. 3437-3457, issn: 00207543, 1998.
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4.   PRADO, J. P. A. ; ABE, J. M. ; ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho. Fundamentos da Arquitetura Blackboard. Coleção Documentos Série Lógica e Teoria da Ciência. n. 35, p. 1-29, 1998.
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5.   PRADO, J. P. A. ; ABE, J. M. ; ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho. Inteligencia Artificial Distribuida; Aspectos. Coleção Documentos Série Lógica e Teoria da Ciência. n. 36, p. 1-35, 1998.
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6.   PRADO, J. P. A. ; ABE, J. M. ; ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho. Redes de Contrato Em Inteligência Artificial Distribuida. Coleção Documentos Série Lógica e Teoria da Ciência. n. 34, p. 1-28, 1998.
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7.   SCALABRIN, E. ; BORTOLOZZI, F. ; KAESTNER, C. A. ; SABOURIN, Robert. Multicheck: une Architecture D'agents Cognitifs Independants pour le Traitement Automatique des Cheques bancaires bresiliens. CIFED'98. v. 1, p. 433-442, 1998.
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1.   ABE, J. M. ; PRADO, J. P. A. ; ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho. On A Class Of Paraconsistent Multimodal Systems For Reasoning. Coleção Documentos Série Lógica e Teoria da Ciência. n. 24, p. 1-12, 1997.
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2.   BORTOLOZZI, F.; MURSHED, N.. Análise e Reconhecimento de Documentos.. Cenadem Centro Nacional de Desenvolvimento do Gerenciamento da Informação. 1997.
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3.   CARVALHO, Lucimar Maria Fossatti de ; NIEVOLA, Julio Cesar ; KAESTNER, Celso Antonio Alves ; CARVALHO, H J T. Um Sistema de Aquisição de Conhecimentos para Auxiliar no Diagnóstico Clinico das Crises Epilépticas. Revista Médica (Passo Fundo). v. 1, n. 1, p. 19-23, issn: 01034162, 1997.
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4.   FREITAS, C. O. A.; RIBEIRO, L. M. ; AISSE, M. M. ; ROEDEL, E.. Computação Gráfica Aplicada a Projetos de Infra-Estrutura de Redes de Saneamento - Uma Abordagem Atual. Revista Acadêmica. Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais. v. 8, p. 46-54, issn: 0103989X, 1997.
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5.   GARNÉS, S. J. A. ; Sampaio, R. J. B. de ; DALMOLIN, Q.. Ajustamento paramétrico por mínimos quadrados com análise de estabilidade na solução. Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas. v. 2, p. 24-35, issn: 14134853, 1997.
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6.   Murshed, N. ; BORTOLOZZI, F. ; SABOURIN, F.. A Cognitive Approach to Signature Verification.. IJPRAI - The International Journal of Pattern Recognition. v. 11, n. 1, p. 801-825, 1997.
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8.   OLIVEIRA, A. ; BORTOLOZZI, F. ; KAESTNER, C. A. ; Sabourin, R.. Generation of Signature by Deformation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 1339, p. 283-298, issn: 03029743, 1997.
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9.   OLIVEIRA, C. ; BORTOLOZZI, F. ; SABOURIN, Robert ; KAESTNER, C. A.. Generation of Signature by Deformations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 1339, p. 283-298, issn: 03029743, 1997.
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10.   Sampaio, R. J. B. de; YUAN, J. Y. ; SUN, Wenyu. Trust region algorithm for nonsmooth optimization. Applied Mathematics and Computation. v. 85, p. 109-116, issn: 00963003, 1997.
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11.   Sampaio, R. J. B. de; YUAN, J. Y. ; SUN, Wenyu. Unified superlinear convergence of some algorithms for LC1 optimization. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. v. 16, n. 1, p. 79-85, issn: 00378712, 1997.
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12.   SANTOS, E. B. ; BORTOLOZZI, F. ; SABOURIN, Robert. A simple Methodology to Bank Check Segmentation. Lecture notes in Document Image Analysis. v. 1339, p. 334-343, 1997.
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13.   SANTOS, J. S. B. ; BORTOLOZZI, F. ; SABOURIN, Robert. A Simple Methodology to Bank Check Segmentation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 1339, p. 334-342, issn: 03029743, 1997.
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14.   ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho; ABE, J. M. ; PRADO, J. P. A.. Um Sistema de Frames Utilizando Programação Logica Evidencial. Coleção Documentos Série Lógica e Teoria da Ciência. n. 27, p. 1-43, 1997.
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15.   ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho; ABE, J. M. ; PRADO, J. P. A.. A Utilização de Redes de Herança Em Representação de Conhecimento. Coleção Documentos Série Lógica e Teoria da Ciência. n. 28, p. 1-18, 1997.
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16.   ÁVILA, Bráulio Coelho; ABE, J. M. ; PRADO, J. P. A.. Uma Extensao da Linguagem Prolog Para Suportar Programação Lógica Evidencial. Coleção Documentos Série Lógica e Teoria da Ciência. n. 29, p. 1-43, 1997.
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1.   CHAVES NETO, A.; SOUZA, R. C.. A Bootstrap Simulation Study in ARMA(p,q) Structures. Journal of Forecasting. v. 15, p. 343-353, issn: 02776693, 1996.
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2.   FALVO, G. ; RIZZI, N. ; CHAVES NETO, A.. Zoneamento da bacia hidrográfica do R. Miringuava utilizando-se de técnicas de análise multivariada. Revista do Setor de Ciências Agrárias. Universidade Federal do Paraná. v. 15, n. n.2, p. 15-32, issn: 0100607X, 1996.
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(*) Relatório criado com produções desde 1996 até 2019
Data de processamento: 02/05/2019 10:43:08